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Zander's morning was a haze. He barely got any sleep. He was so caught up in worrying about the big day that he had stayed up until four in the morning.

He sat up from his rather stiff pillows and trudged his way to his desk, where he had a new painting drying from last night. his painting was the music club room. It was a depiction of how Zander remembered it looking a few months ago.

When Zander would say he was the happiest he'd ever been.

His dad was an artist, which was where he presumed he'd gotten his talent from. His mom had said that he had a lot of his father's very few positive attributes. Like his paintings. And his way with his words, and even his fashion sense was very similar to the man.

Zander didn't take it as a compliment, though. he wanted to be nothing like his father.

With anger in his motion, he placed his hand on the wet paint and smudged it all over the canvas. His brain was flooded with different emotions and thoughts. It had been since this whole thing started. Maybe he was being overdramatic. Maybe even overreacting. But he really was so hurt. So hurt that Hailey would do this to him. So hurt knowing Luke was only getting closer to Stacy. The one person he genuinely didn't want his boyfriend around.

He grabbed a pencil out of the cup he kept his smaller art supplies in and jabbed it into the fabric. He did it again and again until the painting was almost unrecognizable.

he dropped the pencil onto the floor, staring at the monstrosity he had created.

"Alex!" his mom called, making her way up the stairs. She knocked twice, not waiting for an answer before pushing the door open. "We have to leave in ten minutes, so be ready."

he nodded. His mind went blank. He stared at her without a thought behind his periwinkle eyes.

"What happened there?" she asked pointing at the mess on his desk.

he turned to where her finger went, unaware of what she was talking about for a moment. "Oh. I didn't like the painting."

"well, why did you destroy it?"

"I don't know"

he did know.

He just didn't want to tell her that he had gotten so mad that he stabbed holes in his painting that took hours.

"Is that paint all over your hand?" she said, grabbing his hand and inspecting the paint. "Go wash up and get dressed. We can't be late"

Zander nodded in response. She let go of his messy hand and exited the room, leaving him alone in his thoughts again.

He took his moms advice and washed his hands and got himself together. He really didn't want to leave the house.

He didn't like where he was going.


Haha another short chapter 😀 I was going to combine this chapter with the next one (spoiler it's from Luke's POV) but I know I'll have wayyy too much fun writing from Luke's pov so it will most likely be longer 😭

Anywyayssss I hope you enjoy🤭 these last few chapters feel more like one shots than they actually make the story move on so that's a bit upsetting but wtvr 💔

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