Ch. 10 - a day from hell

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So this chapter takes place with Luke🤭

This story is almost over, I'm expecting it to be somewhere around 12 ish chapters? I'm not completely sure yet


School was never as fun without Zander, and today was so exception. Luke was in English class, finishing up the essay Zander had helped him write. He noticed the essay slowly got worse and worse the further from Zander's paragraphs he got. Zander was practically a genius in Luke's mind.

The music club got to leave after second period to practice for the competition, and they had until about 4:30 to make sure everything was perfect. Which meant Luke had approximately 5 minutes to finish his story and turn it in. Was he going to complete it? Absolutely not. But he figured he'd try.

All he could picture is Zander telling him that he needs to start doing school work at home and such like he always told Luke when he had a late or missing assignment.

The thought helped Luke power through the rest, and though it wasn't perfect, he turned it in right before the bell rang, leaving enough time to pack up his things.

So far, his day wasn't terrible. But he knew it would only get worse. Maybe he relied on Zander a little too much at times, but who knows.

He slung his bag over his shoulders and made his way to the music room. His bag was a little extra heavy today as he was carrying his outfit for the competition.

He entered the room to see the smiling determined faces of his best friends (and Stacy, who he was hesitant to call a friend) who, to his dismay, were sitting in a circle on the floor. He sat in the empty space between Hailey and Sean, confused as to what they were doing.

"Sooo.. what are we doing?" Luke asked, slouching down into the circle.

Hailey shrugged. "I figured it would be nice for us six to just sit together and talk about tonight before we start playing"

Luke nodded. He was feeling super anxious. He really wanted a Zander hug. A tight, needy Zander hug.

"So I think it's safe to say we're all pretty nervous." Hailey said, looking around at all her friends faces. Luke nodded in agreement. He was nervous.

"I miss Zanderrrr" Milly pouted, laying back on the carpeted floor. Luke missed Zander too.

Luke sighed. "Me too. It doesn't feel the same without him"

"I'm sorry you guys" Stacy started, her smile fading to a frown. "I know I kind of just replaced him suddenly but.. I really enjoy being with you guys."

In all honesty, Luke didn't mind much that someone else was playing for Zander. But he could tell his boyfriend was in a world of hurt. Especially with his replacement being Stacy. He'd been acting distant ever since this whole thing happened.

The only thing that really bothered him was not getting to see his love on such a stressful day. Not only not getting to see, they couldn't even talk. And Luke was worried sick for Zander.

He almost felt like he would cry, but alas, he held it in.

"Oh, your good. He's annoying most of the time anyway" Hailey replied, patting Stacy on the shoulder.

She laughed in response.

The six continued their rather peculiar therapy session, later moving on to practice their song for the remaining hours.

Meanwhile Luke felt like complete shit. He wasn't one to curse much, but when asked by his friends why he looked so tired he answered as he felt was needed, swear words and all.

After hours of practicing his head felt like someone had smashed a mallet into it. His hands were so clammy he could hardly hold his drum sticks.

Luke was on edge the entire time awaiting a text from Zander. His palms were clammy and his body was extremely overheated.

Finally, at 5:36 pm, halfway through the drive to the band competition, Luke's phone pinged. He anxiously pulled it out of his pocket, his heart beat slowing down as he read the message.

Zander: I got out abt an Hr ago
Zander: I'm sooo loopy
Zander: good luck. Taking a nap. Luv ya

Luke smiled at the informal message. He could tell Zander wasn't in his right mind.

Luke: yayyy! How did it go?
Luke: I can tell silly
Luke: sleep well honey! Love you!!!

Luke set his phone back onto his lap. He shifted his body to lean his head on top of Milly's, which was already on his shoulder. She had fallen asleep practically as soon as the car started.

Hailey looked at Luke knowingly, her lips pressed in a smile. All the while her hand was held tightly in jakes. All thanks to him and Zander.

He felt the weight lift off his chest. And for once since this whole thing happened, he was excited for the competition.


I hope you guys enjoyed! I'm like 90% sure there will only be 2 more chapters to this story just so ya know 🫶

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