Ch. 11 - Confide in a Friend

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Luke anxiously waited behind Michael. Michaels house key twisted in the door knob and he slowly creaked it open into his dark house. Luke's smile grew as he was greeted with the familiar warmth of the Austin/Wickham household, the smell of Zander instantly kicking in as he noticed his lover sitting on the couch snuggled up with his younger sister watching princess and the frog.

Luke's heart warmed up. The Princess and the frog was his favorite Disney movie.

"Zander?" Luke called out, making his way towards the couch. Zander slowly turned his head back, his eyes puffy and his movements slightly delayed. Luke had figured the boy was still a bit loopy.

Bethany on the other hand popped right out of her seat and greeted Luke with a big hug, jumping into his arms and exclaiming his name.

"Hi Bethy! I missed you" he said as he carried her back to the couch, sitting down on the side of Zander's good arm and placing the seven-year-old on his lap.

The first thing the ginger did when he sat down was pull Zander into a needy kiss. He had needed to kiss Zander so bad.

"Damn, I missed you" Luke said, squishing his face into Zander's collarbone. His cheek was met by the scratchy feel of Velcro. It took him a moment to realize that it was only Zander's sling.

"I missed you too." Zander replied, sloppily kissing Luke's forehead. Somehow, Zander's lips were dry but left a wet mark on Lukes face.

"Are you okay?" The drummer laughed, pulling his face away from Zander's shoulder to meet his eyes.

"I'm more then okay. I'm fucking doped or something right now"

Luke chuckled at his lovers remark, nuzzling his face into the pianist soft sweater.

God, Luke had never felt happier in his life.

He needed Zander more then anything today, and he finally had him.

Hailey walked up to the back of the couch, hugging Zander around his neck from behind. "How was it Zan?"

He gave her a thumbs up. "Alright"

She nodded in response, finding a seat opposite of Luke, but beside Zander.

Luke was so happy to finally be with Zander again.

"Zanderr how was your BBL?" Milly asked, plopping next to Hailey.

Zander shrugged with one shoulder. "Same old same old"

The guitarist laughed at his response. "We missed you Zandy"

"Well, I was busy getting my arm cut open. Now shut up and tell me how it went!"

Luke hesitated. "We got fifth place.."

Zander looked around at his friends. "Oh. Well, why?"

The club members simultaneously turned their heads to the dark haired pianist, her face flushed as she looked at the ground.

"Well, I kind of screwed up my timing" Stacy mumbled apologetically.

Though he wouldn't admit it, Zander was quite smitten that she had screwed him up. He was #1 afterall. He got the boy, and he was the pianist. "Well, whatever. Fifth place isn't last place"

Milly leaned into his ear "Zander 2, Stacy 0" she mumbled, earning an eye roll and what she couldn't quite decipher between a laugh and a scoff.

"Guys, I think we should all have a group cuddle" Jake said, sitting next to Luke.

"GROUP CUDDLE" Milly exclaimed, jumping up from beside Zander and seating herself next to Jake.

Hailey did the same, not wanting to hurt her brothers arm. Sean joined them next to Hailey, leaving only Stacy left.

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