Ch. 7 - Helping hands

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The passed week had almost been a blur for Zander. His life had been flipped upside down.

His mom had grounded him from Luke for a week after seeing the aftermath of their sleepover left on their necks, which ended today, so the couple had made plans for after school.

He was starting to get used to doing stuff with only one arm, but it still caught him off guard sometimes when he went to reach for something and his arm didn't move.

He had learned that Hailey had a pretty severe crush on Jake (though he could tell just by the way she lit up when he was around)

And worst of all, the competition is in two days.  Which means his surgery is in two days. Which means he is panicking.

"Waiting on Jake, per usual" Hailey said as Luke and Zander walked into the music room, hands tied close together.

"Psh. Don't act like you don't light up whenever he walks in here ten minutes late every day." Zander replied. Instead of fighting, she smiled and laughed, a gentle tint of pink on her cheeks.

"Um," Luke hesitated, slowly creeping his free hand onto the door knob, closing the door tightly behind him. "Can I tell you a little secret that Jake is to never know I told you?"

Hailey's head perked up, her eyes glimmering at the sound of his name.

"He told me he was starting to fall for you. I don't really know why he trusted me with that information, probably because I told him about Zander, but he said a couple weeks ago, before Zander broke his arm that he 'couldn't help but fall for you'"

Zander could tell Hailey's heart was pounding the same way his used to pound when Luke would say something flirty to him or get a little
Closer then friends should.

She smiled wide, her face now flushed red. She had a gummy smile. "Really?"

Luke nodded, a warm smile taking over his face. "Maybe you could ease some tension and tell Jake how you feel! I'm sure he'd love to hear it"

She shrugged, her smile fading slowly. "I.. maybe after the competition. I wouldn't wanna make the duet awkward."

Luke nodded, his face understanding and his presence comforting for Hailey. He let go of Zander's hand and placed it on Hailey's. "Whatever you end up doing, we're here to support it."

"Yup!" Milly exclaimed, nodding towards Hailey. "I'm sure it would make the duet even better!"

Sean nodded. "Oh yeah, just by the way he looks at you I can tell you now that he would be happy to hear you like him so much"

Hailey looked away from the ground and to Zander. "Zander, what do you think? As stupid as it sounds I really want you to approve of whoever I date"

Zander shrugged. "As long as he makes you happy I approve. I'm kinda warming up to him. Honestly, I'm encouraging you to tell him. Especially knowing how much happier I was after I told Luke how I felt."

She smiled. "Thanks you guys. Maybe I will tell him after all."

"Tell who what?"

The club jumped at the sound of Jake's voice coming through the doorway and into the club room.

"Oh, nothing." Hailey replied, her face turning even redder.

"Just that she lied to her dad about doing her homework last night and she feels guilty about it." Zander said awkwardly, slightly stumbling over his words.

Hailey looked at him and smiled, no words were exchanged but they both had a mutual understanding.

"Oh. I lie to my parents all the time! Nothing to stress about princess." Jake said, wrapping his arms around her in a gentle hug.

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