The forest behind the town

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Keiton walks through the forest for a while and to no avail he never saw a Pokémon and was nowhere near the next town.

(Keiton) Fuck me, I've been walking through this damn forest for 2 hours now and still haven't seen a trace of a Pokémon. I'm I getting over my head going on this journey? If I am It's not like I can turn back now, that and mom won't let me back into the house he lets out a sigh of disappointment. I'll just keep walking I'm bound to see something eventually right?

Keiton walks through the forest going deeper into the unknown, as he gets deeper, he hears a cry nearby.

(Keiton) What was that! he looks into the direction of two nearby bushes. Is it coming from there? as he approaches the bush the cry gets louder and has a higher pitch. Ok I can do this just see what's making that noise easy right? totally not dangerous or stupid of me for doing this but it sounds hurt and may need help.

Keiton gets closer to the bush until he's able to peak through, he can see the Pokémon making the cries. he sees a surprisingly big blue dog tangled in some tree branches.

(Keiton) "I wonder if it will let me help?" umm you want some help you look stuck there, I can help you if you want? you're a riolu right?

(Wild Riolu) AHH a hairless slaking!! GET AWAY FROM ME

(Keiton) "Ouch that one one hurt" Well first of all I'm not a slaking I'm a human. Do you want my help or not because you seem to be in a pickle and I'm not going to help you if you insult me.

(Wild Riolu) the Riolu lets out a whimper signaling that it's scared to be left here alone. WHAT, you wouldn't leave me out here would you. I'm sorry for calling you a hairless slaking please help me get out of here!

(Keiton) gets down on his knees trying his best to untangle the tree branches. so how did you get stuck anyway? kind of figured a riolu of all things would be able to get itself free or you'll mom or dad would help you out?

(Wild Riolu) The riolu puts its head down upset of what I just said. Can we please talk about something else; I don't like talking about that. the riolu has it's head down the entire time its eyes start to water after thinking about what Keiton just said.

(Keiton) feels bad for bringing it up. I'm sorry if you want to talk about it, I'll listen to you while I untangle these tree branches. or is it just something you don't want to talk about in general?

Keiton untangles the tree branches he struggles here and there but he manages to get them undone with some effort.

(Wild Riolu) Still has its head down while its eyes still water. No offense human I've just met you, so I don't trust you, just hurry up and get me free and go away. I don't want to talk to you about my life.

(Keiton) Finishes getting the tree branches untangled getting the riolu free. Ok that should do it I got you unstuck but before you go, please take this. Reaches for bag and pulls out water. I know it's not much but it's all I have please take it. Extends hand out offering the water to the riolu. Please take it I want you too.

(Wild Riolu) Takes the water with some hesitation not fully trusting it. Why? why are you being so nice to me? you could've easily left me here or walked away so why are you giving me your water? the riolu looks confused yet grateful to receive the water.

(Keiton) looks confused why he's being asked about it. Why do I need a reason? I'm helping you because I want to, I shouldn't need a reason.

(Wild riolu) smiles at that remark. You're a weird human but you have a kind heart I appreciate you helping me but be careful. It's obvious that you don't know what you're doing and to make it worse you're really scrawny so one wrong move and you will get flattened like a pancake.

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