When the night isn't still

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Keiton and Luca couldn't sleep, Luca was too busy cuddling with Keiton. Luca is also the reason why he can't sleep. She begs him for a different type of cuddles, it annoys him but he can't help but smile.

(Luca) Pweeaaasssee, just touch me there? I'll do anything for you daddy, just grab me there just a quick squeeze.

(Keiton) He lets out an aggravated sigh, he pulls up his phone and turns away from her. She just hugs him from behind pleading with him more. "Pwease?" No, stop asking me to grab your ass it's been 2 hours of you asking? Just go to sleep, I'm pretty tired from today. She holds him while she goes into a fetal position. Laying her head down on top of his. She whimpers and makes one final plea "pwease?" Keiton let's out a sigh then turns around to face her, staring at her. You're not gonna stop asking are you? I don't want to fluff butt, you're gonna have to make me. Luca throws one leg over him and the other under putting his body into a body lock. His arms are free but he's unable to move he squirms to break loose. I didn't mean it literally!

(Luca) She nuzzles his neck with her snout before giving it several small licks. I don't want sex I know you won't be able to handle doing it a third time this week. As much as I want to ride you till I pass out I'm still cautious of your safety. I'm not really the gentle type when mating am I? I just want you to touch me as we sleep, you're the only one that is allowed. I've been hinting this to you, I even said it after you bathed me. I'm naked and ready to be touched by you master. Pwease cuddle me master, I need your comfort I need you. Plus it's not like you can move right now anyway. If you won't touch me I'll just lick your neck or nuzzle your face. She playfully sticks out her tongue as she holds her lock on him. Or I can touch you? Or do you really just want sleep master? I mean you said yourself I'm a horny puppy, horny for you daddy. She licks his neck as she lays her head onto his.

(Keiton) His face turns to a flush of red yet he expects this from her now. She only acts this way towards him after all so it's expected to have her be very lewd towards him. L-Luca stop, don't make me punish you you can't get what you want all the time. She lets out a whimper while giving him puppy dog eyes, she whispers something into his ear. "Then punish me daddy, I love and want you too much to ever stop."   Let me grab your poke ball. She
instantly jumps from the shock, she wraps her legs and arms around him tighter. Will you stop? We don't have to sleep we can watch a movie on my phone if you want?

(Luca) F-fine, you didn't have to be that harsh master. I don't want to be anywhere your not and my poke ball doesn't have you in it. C-can we watch canine fantasy? I saw the preview when I was on your phone earlier. It's about trainers and their canine pokemon, I'm mainly interested in the Lycanroc and Lucario episode. It only has a specific three maybe four couples throughout the show. Probably because only a couple of canine pokemon are more like humans. Interestingly the less human like ones are starting to become human like due to environmental reasons. Just a random article I read, anyway can we watch it pwease? I want to see the lucario and their trainer, I want to see how they treat their mate. She seemed really excited to see how another Lucario treats their mate. It would be her first time seeing another couple that involved another Lucario.

(Keiton) He goes to a streaming service and pulls it up. Now how are we gonna watch it where you can see it properly? She simply just picks him up and places him in between her tits. He blushes heavily as he scrambles to play the first episode. A-are you comfortable Luca? She rubs her paws against his stomach as she stares at his phone. "I'm comfy, I know my breasts are comfy for you so let's watch the episode already." Alright it's playing, i didn't take you for the type to like reality shows like this?

(Luca) What can I say I just like romance especially when it comes to me and you. She rubs her paws against his stomach slightly shifting them lower. The phone blares as the intro starts to play it showed three couples doing odd poses. A female Lycanroc that looks like a punk blushing intensely as she hugs a shy awkward kid wearing classes. A Lucario having its arms crossed as a female trainer stands next to him. Lastly a mightyena female standing proudly as her trainer is giving her a side hug. Out of all of them the couple of the Lucario and female trainer are the only ones not blushing towards each other. Luca just stares at the screen before saying something. I hate how he's not expressing how he feel's it's so obvious that he likes her.

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