Western cold

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Keiton and his Pokémon arrive at the gate to palinka, a silver haired boy was talking to Keiton. Mainly about the rules of the town and its culture, it was a lot to take in but very valuable information.

(???) His tone was tired and his body was shaken from the recent cold through the town. Ok, some rules for you and your Pokémon. If you have any of them in poke balls send them out we need all of them in costume. No one is allowed entry in the town without a costume due to the immersion that the owner wants to keep. The costumes have respective roles and also jobs that you have to do. The jobs themselves are only 20 minutes long, while in the town you have to act like old westerners at all times. Being in an room alone this rule doesn't apply, being outside the town with others you may choose to break character. There's multiple inns and taverns to eat and stay in for tourists and gym challengers. If you encounter the owner or his daughter please be careful and respectful. They're not the nicest people but they're very fair and understanding when it comes to jobs and pay. Just try not to piss them off, it's very....dramatic. There's also one more rule but it's a very controversial topic in the town, no one really likes talking about it. I'll save you the trouble, I severely doubt that you'll have an issue. My name is Malik, I'm the guide and instructor in this town do you have any other questions?

(Keiton) All the information given to him was too much to handle. Umm.. what's considered controversial here?

(Malik) He lets out a sigh before getting up from his stool, he walk to a cabinet in his little stationed hut. Basically any modern stuff that was an issue a while back. To me I think it's gayest thing on earth, some people aren't allowed to express themselves freely because of it. Some friends I had growing up came out as gay, he was forced out of town. He didn't want to move but he was harassed and bullied it the point where he couldn't take it anymore. I personally don't care, if you're into something that makes you happy then keep doing it. Obviously I don't support people that hate on others that just want to be happy. Anyway how many of you are there, do you have any Pokémon in their poke ball?

(Keiton) Yea, Gimmie a quick sec. He throws out Luca's love ball sending her out. She stares at Keiton wagging her tail looking happy as ever. Let's see there's 6 of us, so I guess we need 6 costumes for everyone.

(Malik) He glances over at Luca noticing her massive height. He scrambled through outfits trying to find outfits for all of them. He placed a couple, a dancer, sheriff, bandit, outlaw, bank teller, and a normal cloth dress. Your Lucario is pretty tall so I don't know if this sheriff outfit will fit. Your Inciniroar however is lucky cause we had this bandit costume in her size. After y'all get dressed you can head on through, I just have one question for you.

(Keiton) He's curious of what he'll ask, he politely tells him to ask. Go ahead, what's your question Malik?

(Malik) He's blunt and quick with his questions as he asked one by one. Do you know if you Lucario is an alpha pokemon or not because most of the time they only go up to 5'8. Your Lucario is so much taller than that also are you in any relationship with a Pokémon?

(Luca) She lets off a low bearing growl, she doesn't like people talking about her unnatural height. I have no idea if I'm an alpha but who cares its not like it matters! For the relationship part me and him are actually mates so I'm basically his girlfriend. Keiton looks at her upset since she didn't let him explain. "You could've let me explained, also I'm glad you're feeling better." She turns to him smiling. I am too, that rest was very beneficial to me.

(Malik) Right? I don't care what you're into if she makes you happy then go for it. Just don't go around kissing your giant Lucario, the town's folk will probably be offended in some way.

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