Train the body and the heart

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Keiton and Luca make it back to the Pokémon center. Nurse Joy takes a look at the Buneary, she sprays a hyper potion and all her bruises and scrapes just magically disappear. Keiton takes Luca and Buneary up to their room for the night and sleep till the next day. Keiton sleeps on the couch in the next room so Luca and Buneary can sleep on the bed. Keiton slowly starts to wake up but feels something heavy on him, he opens his eyes to see Luca's big bubble butt staring right at him as he feels a very similar pleasure.

(Keiton) He lets out a moan as he stares right at her ass. Luca... what are doing! I thought we were supposed to train today not do this!

(Luca) She kisses his tip as she wraps her tongue around his shaft. Master, I wanted to get you back for that kiss yesterday when we were walking back. You taste amazing master; I hope you have a good view cause I'm not going to stop till you finish.

(Keiton) He gets close to a climax as he lets out another moan. Luca how long have you been doing this? Please get off what if Buneary wakes up?

(Luca) She wiggles her butt as she continues to lick his shaft. Umm.. about 2 hours now and don't worry about Buneary if you hurry up and finish, we can all go down to the training area in the park and start the day. Don't think about getting up either, I'm in heat master so I need this to hold me over till tonight. She looks back at him while licking her lips, her eyes locking on to his. I'll make sure tonight will be special master, but we need to put Buneary in her poke ball before we do anything.

(Keiton) Luca puts her tongue on his tip finally pushing him over the edge causing him to ejaculate. He lets out a moan as he starts to pant a little from what happened. Please tell me this isn't going to be a regular thing Luca.

(Luca) She sits up and moves next to him after licking her face clean. She cuddles next to him, her naked body on top of his. Depends on how long I'll be in heat master, it's my first time being in heat. Lucky for me I have you as a mate so you can satisfy me every night till it passes.

(Keiton) Luca's chest spike starts to poke him a little as she cuddles up to him. Hey! watch your chest spike I don't need to be penetrated by that. For the mating every night thing, you're probably gonna kill me if you do. Your weight and height alone made me sore from the first time we had sex.

(Luca) She crawls up higher to lick his face and whispers something in his ear. I'm sorry master but you're the one to choose such a muscular beauty such as myself as your partner. I'll try to be as gentle as possible though although you're the one that took the lead last time. She lets out a giggle then licks his face again.

(Keiton)He lets out a sigh. Arceus give me strength.

(Luca) She nibbles his ear and licks his face again this time licking his mouth. Don't get stronger I like you being scrawny, I'll be the muscle in this relationship. So, promise me you'll stay scrawny, if not I'll make sure to lick you to death.

(Keiton) Speaking of licking, why are you licking me so much?

(Luca) She licks him again this time playfully. Well before my mom passed, she told me licking is something you do to show affection to someone you love. I like kissing and all, but that's more of a human thing.

(Keiton) He hugs her tight as he leans his head against hers. Go get dressed Luca, we can't leave till were all dressed.

Luca gets up while pouting at him like she didn't want to get up. She goes into the room and comes out after a couple of minutes wearing the same shirt and pants that she had on yesterday when she left the store. She sits down on the couch waiting, Keiton goes to get buneary. They all head down to the training area, Luca starts to throw practice punches as Keiton and buneary talk to each other.

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