The western battleground

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Keiton and the others waste no time and head to the gym to battle the leader. People gaze at them with looks of disgust as they walk down the gravely path. Mutters fill the air but no words were spoken aloud, just quick glances from a person here and there viewing in distraught and looking at them with a face of hatred and disbelief. They finally make it to the gym to their surprise the same person that poured alcohol on Luca was standing outside. He blocks their path he was hesitant at first but still did it. His arm was in a cast and he had a black eye he seemed nervous and a little frightened when he saw them.

(???) his voice was shaky and squeaked when he spoke, his posture wasn't consistent and he kept shifting his placement. N-No entry, no one is allowed to enter today the gym leader doesn't have time to battle anyone today.

(Keiton) He got frustrated that the gym leader was unavailable and the fact the asswipe is staring right at them. Why are they unavailable? Can you at least tell me I think it's the least you can do.

(???) He just isn't seeing anyone today no one in the town knows. He's taking a day to do something apparently I don't know when he'll be back. He looked away for a second before he spoke this time his time was filled with nervousness and hesitation. Hey I'm really sorry about yesterday, there's no amount of regret that can show how stupid and dumb I was. Im sorry I shouldn't have treated y'all like that it wasn't fair to y'all, because of my actions everyone treated y'all like shit. I'm sorry is there anyway I can make it up to you?

(Luca) She's annoyed and doesn't want to be near the guy but she takes the opportunity to think of keiton and what he would want instead. You can go get the gym leader for us, if you do that I'll forgive you.

Everyone was surprised by this, they know Luca carry's a grudge or at least remembers who she doesn't like. After she said this the guy went inside the building to go talk to the gym leader. Keiton grabs Luca's hand and holds it tight looking at her with a big grin on his face.

(Keiton) I'm proud of you Luca, I know it's not something you would do normally so I'm proud that you did what you did.

(Luca) she leans down and nibbles his ear out of happiness. I don't understand how you forgive so easily but I'm glad you're with me. You can help me grow to be as forgiving as you.

(Mary) She tugs Luca's tail to drag her back a little to stop her teasing. Keep that in the bedroom, we don't need anymore trouble from this town. Mating season will start in a couple of days so you'll get what you need. Just please to be cautious of what can happened especially after last night.

(Bon Bon) luckily we had fur if we didn't I don't know what would've happened.

(Luca) She stands back up and just places her hands on Keiton's shoulders. No teasing, got it sis, I'll try ti be more careful this isn't silett city.

(Keiton) Confusion takes over his mind. Sis? Like sister? But y'all aren't the same species.

(Luca) She brings him closer to her body but not too close to cause a scene to the un accepting townsfolk. You don't have to be related to call someone your sister or brother. It can be through battle or it can be through friendship, it can even be from hatred. I consider Mary and Bon Bon my sisters, I know we're not related and we all want you but it doesn't mean I don't care for them. Mary and Bon Bon rush to hug Luca showing their appreciation towards her and the comment she just made.

(Mary and Bon Bon) like I said last night I love my whacky sisters even though I don't treat y'all the best at times. Bon Bon's cotton tail wagged a million miles per hour as she spoke. I love you too, to think that if master didn't forgive or help people the way he does we wouldn't have this? They all look at him and pounce, hugging him and rubbing their faces against his.

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