-𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲-

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|Soft And Wet|

"Well, lets step into action"

It was a nice warm day, the perfect type of day to be found in a situation such as this one, a masked gunman holding a bank hostage.

"Nobody fucking moves!" He barked his orders.

He was currently stuffing his large black duffel bag full of cash, as much as he could carry, as he heard the doors to the bank open.

His head snapped towards the entrance, looking at two people standing in the doorway, looking completely unthreatening.

Those two people were you and your friend, both of you bonded when you were placed in an orphanage for 'more abled' children.

You and your friend, Zach had formed a sort of duo, protecting whatever streets you found yourself inhabiting.

The superhero life just wasn't really for you, you both much preferred the vigilante life, which allowed you to stop more crime, but you pretty much took none of the credit.

"Who the fuck are you two?!" The armed robber yelled.

The names you had chosen for yourself could be a bit cringy in these circumstances, you both came up with them when you were fourteen, so its honestly a miracle it wasn't anything nearly as bad as what other people called themselves at fourteen.

You and Zach both came up with your superhero names based on your powers, they were pretty simple, so you didn't really need to complicate your names.

"That's irrelevant...maybe we can have a nice long chat about it when you're in prison...you...criminal" You said, as Zach sighed.

"You always put on that voice?" He complained.

"What voice...this is my normal voice" You lied, you normally deepened your voice to sound more threatening, but that normally made you sound even younger.

"No its not, a-and it just makes you sound like a kid" Zach complained.

"Look, can we just table this conversation, Mr criminal over here is threatening to shoot us with a gun that has the safety on" You argued, as the criminal began to fiddle with his gun.

"Well great going, now he has a working gun" Zach complained.

"Alright....now gimme-" The robber tried to intimidate the two vigilantes.

"Shut the fuck up!" The two said at the same time.

The other innocent people in the bank were incredibly scared, anxious as what could possibly happen next, so there was definitely a time limit, one of the old people could have a heart attack any minute.

"Look...how about...we do our job..." You smiled at Zach.

"Only if you stop doing the voice" Zach folded his arms.

"Ugh fine...but people think its cool" You shrugged.

"Sorry...about all of this...you will be saved very soon!" Zach announced to the people in the bank, some of whom were crying in fear.

Soft And Wet (Jenna Ortega X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now