-𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐞-

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|Soft And Wet|

"Oh...I-I'm sorry"

A pair of dark brown eyes flickered open, a cold and wet concrete floor meeting the side of her face as she had been asleep.

She didn't remember much, all she did remember was you with your arms around her and then a sharp pain in her neck, and finally pitch darkness.

She saw in front of her first, seeing a plate with some food, store bought stuff with a little effort but into presentation.

"Not much of a chef" A voice called out.

She looked towards one of the corners of the room, seeing you looming in the shadows, watching her, your eyes almost glowing.

"Where am I?" The girl demanded.

"Let me ask the question...then I'll answer yours...deal?" You asked.

"...Yeah" The girl nodded reluctantly.

"Great...lets start with names shall we?"

The girl sat with her hands chained to a wall, it would be pretty hard for her to escape, and even harder, near impossible, with you watching.

"I..." The girl stuttered. "I don't know"

"You don't know?...how could you not know?" You asked.

"I...I just don't okay" She exclaimed.

"Do you know someone who might?" You asked.

"I...maybe the guys who...who took me" She said, and it communicated to you she genuinely didn't know.

"...Alright...I'll have a look later" You hummed to yourself.

"Where am I?" The girl asked once again.

"I can't tell you...but your safe, I can promise you that" You promised.

"Safe?...with my hands cuffed to the wall?" The girl got angry.

"Your cloning...how can you do that?" You asked.

"I...I don't know how I can...I just...did one day, after they took me" She informed.

"They? Who's they?" You asked, getting closer to the truth.

"I don't know...I swear" She sighed.

"How does your cloning work?" You asked.

"I can create an exact clone of myself...I-I cant control it but it does whatever I would do...so basically I can...and when I call it off...it turns into sand" She began.

"To use I need...a lot of sugar...and there aren't many adverse effects...it replicates clothes too, but it cant change them...its like its a part of it..." She continued.

"And if there's a number or a way of counting like a day of the week...it shifts adds one, I don't know why...and I can't change it" She explained.

"Seems a bit...arbitrary but alright" You nodded.

"Why am I here?" It was her turn to ask.

"Because you ran...and we kinda need all the help we can get" You explained.

"Is that it?" She asked. "Because I'm not gonna help"

"And..." You looked into her eyes, the closest you had sat by her all day. "You have nowhere else to go..."

Soft And Wet (Jenna Ortega X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now