-𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬-

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|Soft And Wet|

"Uh...yeah...we're not much better..."

"So...how's being a supe?" Hughie asked, breaking the silence between you three.

"Uh...sometimes I wish I didn't have it...I guess?" You shrugged.

"Huh...I-I mean if I had superpowers I'd feel...like...invigorated" Hughie commented.

"Superpowers are like a box of chocolates...you never know what you're gonna get...reminds me of a friend I had..." You reminisced.

"What...what friend?" Hughie asked. 

"I grew up in this...orphanage for supes...there were files with our powers classed on there...this one friend, Dylan I think his name was...his power was just called 'Kamikaze'" You began.

"You can probably guess what happened to him" You grunted.

"Ok, I'm just gonna come out and say it" MM snaped. "How the fuck are we supposed to trust  you...you're a supe"

You simply shrugged, you hadn't really been yourself since Zach's passing, and hearing that you couldn't be trusted because of the thing that killed your friend, it stung.

"I don't know what you want me to do...I've already tried to help...so please enlighten me" You asked cynically.

"Just..." MM huffed. "Don't fuck it up"

"Fuck what up?" You asked. "I feel like I'm joining in half way through this mission"

"Trust me...knowing Butcher..." MM sighed. "Its only just the beginning"

"Alright look" Butcher began.

He rolled out a map of the area in the back of the van an hour after coming back from Popclaws, as you and the others listened intently.

"Popclaw said A Train always comes back with the same box of sesame noodles when he runs the V...now we've sourced it to two different locations...here and here" Butcher said, pointing to two different places a considerable length away from each other.

"So what do we do?" MM asked.

"Well, we'll have to divide and conquer, me, Frenchie and MM will take this one here, Hughie and Y/N will take that one there" Butcher said.

"Wait...why do I have to go with him...I-I mean aren't we like...the rookies?" Hughie asked.

"Y/N could kill all of us right now in less than 2 minutes...so we give him you to weigh him down a little" Butcher said, as Hughie took a step away from you upon hearing what you could do.

"Any objections, no, great...lets fucking do this" 

Hughie anxiously tapped the wheel as you and him sat in a covert blue rental car, by the noodle place, looking for potential clues.

"They've got good chicken" You spoke up, as Hughie turned to you.

Hughie saw that you were eating some noodles, taking bites of chicken as well, as he looked around a bit, confused.

Soft And Wet (Jenna Ortega X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now