𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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Chapter 5

Cornelius had sent Dumbledore away with a flea in his ear, and it felt really good. Amelia had briefed him on what she was proposing, the reason she gave for her actions simply terrified the Minister of Magic. Harry Potter was being forced to compete in a ministry sponsored tournament that could see the lad terribly injured or, Merlin forbid, something a tad more permanent. He was also forcibly reminded by Amelia why the tournament was originally stopped, and why it was now deemed strictly for adults only. The head of the DMLE had then posed the question, should any harm befall the boy-who-lived, who would the public blame for such a catastrophe?

The minister had visions of the lad's broken body being savaged by that dragon, and the wizarding public serving up one Cornelius Fudge as its next meal. An auror guard to watch the lad's back and help train him for the remaining two tasks suddenly sounded a wonderful idea to the minister. That Harry Potter didn't feel safe inside Hogwarts and the ministry was coming to his aid is certainly a policy Cornelius wanted his name associated with.

He'd been against this stupid tournament from the start but Dumbledore had spouted on about the spirit of international co-operation and, as usual, gotten his own way. Well the great Albus Dumbledore didn't get his way today, the Minister of Magic had put him in his place. If the headmaster couldn't keep Harry Potter safe, the ministry would. Dumbledore would just have to suck on one of those infernal lemon drops he was so found of, since he would find no comfort at the ministry over this matter.


Harry sat there, not knowing what to think. Hermione appeared to be in the same state of mind as him so he glanced around the room for some inspiration. Tonks was clearly worried, she'd gone out on a limb for him and was awaiting his reaction. Dan and Emma seemed quite happy at the news, he would have to think that one over later. His initial reaction was to start ranting and raving about people attempting to arrange his life for him, that approach would do no good here though. There was also the fact that he'd never been happier than he was at the moment, that would certainly be reflected in his answer.

Madam Bones though was waiting to hear that answer, he didn't want to keep her waiting any longer.

"Let me see if I've got this right. Tonks is going to come to Hogwarts with me on security detail? She'll attend our classes and sit with me at meals, we'll also have our own accommodation?"

"Yes, she can't protect you in the Gryffindor dorm without sleeping at the bottom of the stairs, not something I'm prepared to ask her to do. You will still be able to frequent the common room, and invite any of your friends back to your new accommodation."

Harry now looked toward Hermione to give her his thoughts. "I won't have to listen to Ron and Neville snore, I also can't wait to see Snape's face our first potions class. Want to take a guess how many points he takes off me?"

Hermione smiled at the truth behind that last remark, she also gave her boyfriend her thoughts on the matter. "We'll still get to see each other just as often only now we have an auror to help us with training. You'll get flack off certain sections of the school but then again, you usually get that anyway."

Harry had another thought. "I can't even be accused of using Tonks to cheat in class, I don't have any exams to sit this year."

Tonks visibly relaxed as Harry warmed to the idea. She would apologise in private later for not telling him before now. She wasn't sure if her boss would go for the initial idea, or if it was even possible.

Amelia was also pleased at how things were working out. "I would like to collect you the day before you're due to return and we can travel to Hogwarts by Portkey. That will give you a chance to settle in to your new arrangements, and also allows us to visit the chamber of secrets. That reminds me, do you still have that diary?"

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