Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter 14

Dan could hardly believe the difference twenty-four hours could make. This time yesterday you would have gotten long odds against the chances of them all sitting down to breakfast together as a family, far less laughter being present at the table.

When Sirius had observed how well the three teens were getting on at dinner, he had asked Amelia if Susan could stay the night. As they would all be meeting at the ministry this morning anyway, Amelia quickly agreed. Having her niece arrive at the trial in the company of Harry and Hermione would instantly quell any nasty rumours over the Prophet 'line theft' story.

The three had chatted well into the late evening before Hermione approached her father with a request that knocked Dan for six.

"Dad, is it okay if I sleep with Harry again tonight? He had terrible nightmares last night and woke the whole house, only holding me kept them away. This should get us all a good night's sleep, we need to be fresh for this trial tomorrow. You don't have to worry though, Sirius was in the room with us and would be again tonight."

Dan felt his new resolve had been tested to its limits already but what other option did he have than to say yes. He really believed his daughter about the sleeping part, and they could effectively be married in a matter of months or even weeks. Both certainly appeared far chirpier this morning leading to his attempt at teasing his future son-in-law.

"You're looking far happier this morning Harry, sleep well?"

"I had a great night's sleep, apart from Sirius' snoring."

Emma was the one who brought up what they would be facing today, she also couldn't miss the positive changes in Harry. "Are you all set for the trials? I think we all could have done with a day off first but that can't be helped now."

Harry's hand found Hermione's as he tried to put everyone's minds at rest. He understood they were concerned about his welfare and that was a strange feeling for Harry, nice but still strange. "I think yesterday was my lowest point ever, that was until Hermione explained what a fool I was being. After that, I feel I could leap tall buildings in a single bound."

It was only Susan and Sirius who didn't get Harry's joke, the purebloods having no concept of Superman. Tonks though brought him back down to earth. "The way your luck runs Harry, you'll probably need superpowers before the day is out."

What should have been a joke saw Hermione nodding. "With the Potter luck, there's just no way today is going to be straightforward. Harry doesn't have to go looking for trouble, it usually knows just where to find him and likes to pop in from time to time."

Even Susan was nodding at that. "Its a bit premature this year though, it's usually June before Harry's called into action as things come to a climax."

Dan found his eyes watering and Emma pounding on his back, he'd unfortunately been drinking coffee when Susan had made her comment and almost choked. Sirius and Tonks were also in difficulty but that appeared more about stopping themselves bursting into laughter. Harry and Hermione meanwhile just sat quietly as their faces glowed almost red hot.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Emma herself was fighting back the laughter, though more so at her husband's discomfort with Susan's choice of words. "No Susan, just an unfortunate turn of phrase for this early in the morning. Dan just discovered he can't breathe and drink coffee at the same time."

This destroyed all resolve and the room rang with the sound of laughter, again something you would have gotten long odds against.


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