Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter 16

"Okay, I'm calm. Now kindly tell your little thug here to release me."

Dobby just glared at Dan, that Hermione's father was currently magically restrained to a chair brought him down nearer the elf's height. "You will not harm Harry Potter, Dobby is following his orders to protect his master."

"Yeah? Well this same master of yours wants to knock-up my fifteen year old daughter on Saturday night, I think I'm entitled to at least punch him out." Dan then returned his rage to its main focus. "Tell me again why this has to happen?"

Harry perfectly understood Dan's anger so repeated the story for the third time. "If we don't have enough power between us to force Voldemort out of my head, then we lose. I'll be dead, with Hermione and Tonks only seconds behind me. He'll then come out that room and start killing everyone he sees."

"Now explain to me again, remembering I'm a simple dentist, how impregnating my daughter makes this bad man go away?"

Trying to keep his cool was difficult, Dan referring to Voldemort as a 'bad man' was not helping. Didn't he grasp just how serious this was? "Creating a life is the most magical event in the world. Our magic will recognise this and react accordingly. As love is the power Voldemort knows not, this should also tip the scales heavily in our favour."

Harry was starting to get angry too, he'd had this entire senario dumped on him just after a death eater shot a killing curse at them both. "You asked me the other day if I really could have killed Snape and I honestly wasn't sure. Let me tell you this though, if it was my family's lives that were on the line I would blow his fucking head clean off his shoulders. No questions, no hesitation, I will fight to protect what's mine."

Dan was getting his first glimpse of the wizard who'd faced trolls, basilisk and a dragon. This was Hermione's future they were talking about here though, so Dan had no intention of giving an inch. "What happened to the lad who was going to walk away from Hermione, rather than cause trouble for her family?"

If anything, this saw Harry stand that bit straighter. Dan had intended to have a 'facts of life' talk with the young wizard, Harry was now getting ready to return the favour. He was sure Hermione's father wasn't going to like this either. "I had the error of my ways rather forcibly pointed out to me, and it's just as well Hermione did."

The magic started to pour off Harry as he was becoming visibly emotional. "Had I actually left, your daughter, your wife and you would probably be dead right now. Those death eaters burned your house down because they couldn't get hold of you. Today in Diagon Alley, Hermione and I were meant to die. I'm really sorry you and your family have been dragged into this sir, but you need to understand the situation that we're now in right up to our necks. I have been told by people I respect and trust that this is our best chance of surviving this situation, I will do whatever it takes to make sure Hermione is safe and well. She's easily the most important person in the world to me and I will protect her with my life."

Watching the young man in front of him, Dan could easily believe that. He turned his attention to Sirius, looking for some support. "What's your take on this?"

Sirius could lend some authority to his answer, this was one area he certainly had expertise in. "I know these people Dan, some of them are even related to me. That's why I ran away at sixteen to stay with Harry's father and was on the opposite side of the last war. Had you been home today there would have been one of two outcomes. Emma would have been raped and tortured in front of you while they tried to find information on where these two were hiding. The other outcome is actually worse."

Dan, who was already on a short fuse, exploded at this. "How the fuck do you get worse than that?"

The muggle once more had the facts of life concerning death eater behaviour explained to him. "By using the imperius curse on you, they could have forced you to carry-out whatever perversion they concocted. Imagine Hermione giving you a hug, you then take out a concealed blade and slash her throat wide open. You would know what you were doing but be unable to stop yourself. They use this curse on wizards and witches too during the last war, with devastating effects. That's why Harry paid a fortune for those necklaces Hermione and Susan wear. Harry here has such an aversion to being controlled he can throw the curse off, it also helps that he's immensely powerful too."

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