Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter 17

While getting prepared for her wedding, Hermione was effortlessly switching between tears and tantrums. This was so unlike her daughter that Emma eventually decided to clear the room. With Tonks, Susan and Winky now gone, it was time for a serious mother daughter talk.

"Hermione, if you have any reservations about this whole wedding and ritual scenario, now is the time to speak about them. I remember becoming a bit nuts on my own wedding day, but I didn't have half the things going on that you have at the moment."

"Mum, there's a part of me that wants this with all my heart, Harry is the one for me without question. Then there is another part that's terrified about tonight. I'm spending my wedding night in the ministry, so bloody romantic. Harry and I will make love for the first time under auror guard with practically the fate of the entire country riding on the result. What if I can't do this mum?"

"Being nervous about your wedding and honeymoon is to be expected for any bride. As seems to be becoming the norm for Hermione Granger, you have far more things to be nervous about than any other bride I can think of. What's Harry's take on all this?"

Hermione's deep blush told Emma what the real problem was here. "We haven't really talked about it, there's been so much else going on."

Emma called for Winky and asked her to tell Harry his future wife needed a chat.

"But Mum, Harry can't see my dress."

"Hermione, with everything else that's happening around here, I think that should be the least of your troubles."

A soft knock at the door signalled Harry's arrival, Emma rose to let him in. "Harry, you're shaking. Calm down, there's nothing wrong. I just think you and Hermione need to have a chat before your wedding. I'll be back shortly."

Hermione could clearly see the worry written all over Harry's face, she held her arms open and he rushed right into them. "Sorry for worrying you Harry, I'm just being silly here and mum thought I should talk with you."

"My Hermione being silly, now you've really got me worried. Let's sit down and see if we can sort whatever's bothering you. You look absolutely beautiful, but then I always think that."

Hermione could feel her doubts fading away the moment Harry held her in his arms, now it was time to talk out the few that remained. "I so want to be Mrs Potter but I think it's tonight that's beginning to prey on my mind. This will be our first time. That in itself is pressure enough without all the additional burdens of a soul bond ritual, defeating Voldemort, Tonks being in there with us and then the possibility of me becoming pregnant. What if I can't do all this Harry?"

"I would be lying to you love if I said the very same worries hadn't been preying on my mind too, Winky just wiped all that away though with one phrase. When she said you wanted to see me, I though you'd finally come to your senses and didn't want to marry me. I shot from being worried straight to terrified out of my mind. You taught me we could cope with anything, as long as we're together. I know tonight will not be how most young couples spend their wedding night, but we're not most young couples. What I do know for certain is that with Mrs Hermione Potter by my side, we can do anything."

Hermione kissed her husband-to-be in a manner that clearly emphasised his fear of rejection was totally groundless. She'd been letting her perfectly natural anxieties run away with her while forgetting the most important thing, Harry would be with her through everything. Harry's use of Mrs Potter had the instant and added effect of destroying all her lingering doubts, Mrs Potter was exactly what she wanted to become. With her future husband sitting here beside her, she was now smiling and looking forward to her wedding. Tonight would take care of itself.

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