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Chapter 6

It would be fair to say that Harry's letter to the Prophet caused more than one person in the magical community to choke on their cornflakes that morning, this was especially noticeable inside Hogwarts. The headmaster may have appeared angry but that was only until your eyes caught sight of the head of Slytherin. Snape reminded the Gryffindors of Neville's cauldron during potions, right before it exploded and sprayed everyone with his latest disaster.

Ron was oblivious to most of this as the sausage, bacon and eggs currently on his plate demanded his full attention. It was only when Ginny slapped a copy of the Prophet in front of him that he got the message.

"This may give you some idea of how big a prat you've been when you need to read about your two best friends in the Prophet." She returned to sit beside Neville, allowing Ron time to read the revelations that had so shocked everyone else.

Open Letter to the Prophet, from Harry J. Potter

I am taking this unusual step because I am sick of the sniping, innuendo and outright lies printed about me and my life, I wanted to take this opportunity to set the record straight. In my entire life I have only spoken to one reporter, and then only the once. Since Miss Skeeter ignored everything I said and just wrote whatever she wanted to, anything you have ever read about me should be taken with a discerning pinch of salt. In this letter I intend only to comment on the recent events in my life, I have no intention of writing a book.

Did I miss the ball at Hogwarts? Yes. Was this a deliberate snub to the ministry and wizarding traditions? No.

For whatever reason, I was raised as a muggle and didn't know about our world until Hagrid appeared with my Hogwarts letter on my eleventh birthday. I am only now beginning to get my head around our society, and the part the Potter family should play in it. If my lack of knowledge saw me unintentionally snub anyone then I unreservedly apologise.

I did not enter the Tri-Wizard tournament but am being forced to compete because of a magically binding contract, this contract did not cover the ball that was sprung on us at the last minute. It is one thing to keep secrets in order to surprise people, it's quite another not to take into account that those same people might have made other plans. Instead of attending the ball, I spent Christmas Day partaking in a far older, and definitely more relevant wizarding custom.

Miss Granger and I would like to take this opportunity to formally announce our betrothal. I hope you will understand that to me, meeting her family and gaining their blessing was far more important than any ball.

As to my supposed snubbing of the ministry, nothing could be further from the truth. On our return to Hogwarts, I shall be leading the Minister of Magic and the head of the DMLE down into the Chamber of Secrets. That incident has never been properly investigated by the ministry and both appear quite keen to see the basilisk I slew there.

I was hesitant to write this letter because, after a different article appeared in this paper, my betrothed received threats, howlers and booby-trapped mail that saw her needing to be treated by Madam Pomfrey. Should that situation ever be repeated, the full force of the Noble and Ancient House of Potter will be brought to bear on those stupid enough to do such a vile and cowardly thing.

It is my hope that this letter will answer some of the questions people have about me, and allow both Hermione and I to get on with our lives in peace.

The paper then went to great lengths wishing the newly betrothed couple every happiness, urging their readers to do the same. Even the thickest reader couldn't fail to spot the link between those sugar-sweet sentiments and the Prophet proclaiming loudly on the same page that they also would be reporting from Salzar Slytherin's fabled Chamber of Secrets. What the Prophet would certainly not be making public knowledge were the conditions Harry had attached to their admission to the chamber. Printing his letter, unedited by the Prophet, and under no circumstances was Rita Skeeter to be part of any team they sent to cover the story.

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