Chapter Ten

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Chapter 10

For some reason Albus was reminded of the Hogwarts Express as Amelia Bones came clattering toward him, this though had nothing to do with the expression 'old boiler'. No, Amelia's temper was certainly hot enough to boil water and she fairly had a head of steam up now as the head of the DMLE rushed in his direction. Albus wouldn't have been surprised if she left a trail of smoke in her wake. What did surprise him was the half a dozen aurors following on behind like carriages.

As it was now nine o'clock, it was imperative he keep Amelia busy just in case Potter accidentally ran into her before the task began. After the lad emerged from the water, those potions would ensure Potter wouldn't hear a bad word said to Albus Dumbledore, far less make a complaint against his beloved headmaster.

On the off-chance the little shit still refused to participate in the task, Albus had arranged with a couple of mermen that Miss Granger would meet with a tragic accident down there. The boy had been conditioned since he was a toddler to accept the blame for everything that went wrong in his life, the death of his betrothed due to the lad's inactions should shatter any resolve he'd recently discovered into tiny pieces. It would also remove the protection his betrothal gave him and, with no magic, Cornelius would drop Potter quicker than a handful of warm Hippogriff shit.

He needed the magical community's only weapon against Voldemort nder his supervision and control. Even if Potter lost his magic, Albus would have him becoming Filch's apprentice and spending his days cleaning up after those he deliberately renounced. One way or another, Albus would have total control of the boy by lunchtime. He would figure out the best way to use the boy after he discovered what he had to work with. Worst case scenario, he would strap explosive potions to the now muggle boy and, at the appropriate time, send him out to take Voldermort with him. He would at least give the last of the Potters a martyr's death, that was all Albus really had to offer the boy.

Amelia didn't stand on any ceremony. "Where is Auror Tonks and Mr Potter, I need to speak with them?"

Albus was aware they were drawing more than glances, it would seem this confrontation was destined to become the pre-task entertainment. "I'm sorry Amelia, that won't be possible until after the second task. Since there is a one hour time limit on it though, that shouldn't be too long to wait?"

Again Amelia steamed right in. "Are you aware someone tried to poison my auror with potions?"

Albus just shrugged it off. "Mere schoolboy pranks Amelia, I'm sure that's all it was."

She wasn't here to be brushed off with some glib excuse, this matter was way too serious now. "I don't think this was any schoolboy prank Dumbledore, someone tried to get control of my auror."

Albus decided to muddy the waters even more, and also cast some more assertions on the young auror's character. He never could resist an opportunity to gloat 'I told you so'. "Ah, I was afraid something like this might happen, you'll remember I was against this action of yours from the start. Miss Tonks is a beautiful young woman who has been interacting with the student body, one might even go as far as to say flirting with some of them. I noticed she received quite a few gifts from her many 'admirers' on Valentine's Day."

They now had every pair of eyes on them, considering the alternative for the gathered crowed was to stare at the Black Lake then it was perhaps understandable. Amelia decided to very publicly tear down Dumbledore's flimsy defense. "One of those gifts was laced with a potion no schoolboy brewed. It took two potion masters all this time to isolate and identify it, and also discover exactly what its purpose was. I hardly think a schoolboy would be slipping my auror a potion that would force her to basically do whatever Albus Dumbledore commanded her to?"

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