Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7

Hermione was up, showered and dressed before her two dorm mates had stirred, the common room was also empty this early as she headed for Harry's rooms. There she found her betrothed not only awake, but sitting sipping tea with Tonks. By the time he'd kissed her in greeting, there was another cup on the table for her.

"How did it go last night?"

"Oh, about how we expected. I'm sure we'll be the main subject of gossip this morning but then again, what else's new. At least the basilisk should shut the doubters up."

Harry groaned at Hermione's answer, he had actually hoped they were wrong. "Does anyone else fancy having Dobby serve all our meals in here today?"

Tonks was trying not to chuckle at their obvious discomfort. She didn't know many other famous people but was willing to bet none of them hated their fame as much as Harry did. "The longer we leave this, the worse it's going to get. Finish your tea and then we'll all traipse down to the great hall for breakfast. You're as we'll to get all the gawking out of the way today before classes start tomorrow."

Hermione had to fill the auror in on a vital piece of information she was missing. "They will still gawk tomorrow Tonks, and the next bloody day too. For one reason or another, they've been gawking at my Harry since he set foot in the castle."

Harry let out a sigh, knowing both of them were right. "If we hole up in here, they will just think we have something to hide. Merlin only knows what the rumour mill would come up with then. I would probably be the next dark lord, with you two as my dark ladies, by the weekend."

This earned him a gentle cuff round the ear from Tonks. "In your dreams Potter."

"Hey, I thought you were supposed to protect me?"

"Not even in your dreams. You even think of taking another lady and you'll need Tonks to protect you, from me!"

Hermione couldn't maintain the stern look she was going for and soon the three of them were laughing. They were now ready to face the day.

Harry though was faced with the unusual sight of Cedric Diggory seeking him out before he made it to the great hall. "Can I have a word Harry, in private?"

Cedric obviously didn't want the two witches to hear what he had to say, Harry though had to disappoint him. "Sorry Cedric, nothing against you but Auror Tonks here won't leave me alone with anyone but Hermione. Even then, only for a few minutes."

Harry thought it would be best to play the current situation off with a few jokes, and both witches had agreed to see the funny side of this. Thankfully, so did Cedric.

"Well then Harry, I'd like to thank you for your quiet word about the first task and am offering you the same help for the second. Have you solved your egg yet?"

"No worries Cedric, I've had that egg beaten for ages."

Cedric went away quite happy at that news while Hermione and Tonks were trying to contain their laughter. "What? I wasn't lying, I did beat the egg. I just never mentioned that I used a hammer to do it."

This earned him a kiss from his betrothed, Hermione then took him by the arm as they headed off to breakfast. Both teens drawing comfort from the contact. Tonks followed on, her eyes missing nothing.

The great hall was now busy as the trio made their way toward the couple's usual spot at the Gryffindor table where Harry found himself bracketed by Hermione and Tonks. They were prepared for a lot of questions being shouted at them, and could have handled that. The silence their presence caused was creeping both the teens out. They were actually relieved when Dean broke the awkwardness.

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