Part 4

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The Colony that the Worker Drones lived in on Copper-9 was an impressive example of how crafty Worker Drones could be. The fact that Khan Doorman had even suggested going there years ago was one of the few good ideas that he'd ever had only followed by his Door which proved to be quite the life saver for them.

Life in the Colony was pretty mundane those who were older served as part of the WDF while those that were younger would attend school and do what was usual of a high school student. That being soaring through due to popularity or if their parent just happened to be a teacher or were barely notable at all.

Tonight, was a bit different as the Colony was recovering from the onslaught that followed Uzi home which to the two drones walking down the hallway was only really concerning to one of them.

Lizzy: Can you believe that that weirdo gets to be with all of the Murder Drones?! It's ridiculous she could have at least left one of the hot ones here.

The drone next to her know as Thad only nodded. He didn't really agree with Lizzy as he didn't really see the Murder Drones as "hot" but Lizzy was a drone known for her lack of empathy so maybe she found that attractive?

Thad just pushed it aside and continued on hoping that Lizzy would move the conversation to something less traumatic and self centered.

Thad: So how's preparing for Prom going?

Lizzy stopped walking which drew Thad's attention as she looked at him with a questioning look.

Lizzy: Why? You're not thinking of asking me out?

Thad looked at Lizzy and just decided to give an honest answer to her.

Thad: No.

Lizzy: Oh thank Robo-Jesus! I thought I was going to have to "unfriend" you but now that you mention it.

Lizzy was quiet until something clicked in her mind. She was supposed to help her Dad set up for Prom. Why did she have to be a good daughter tonight of all nights? She'd have to cancel her plans with Doll unless.

Lizzy: Hey Thad I need to call in a favor you owe me.

Thad looked at the blonde drone with a slightly annoyed expression but he ultimately stood and showed that he was willing to listen to Lizzy.

Lizzy: So I have to go help my Dad which is so annoying but I also promised to hang out with Doll tonight.

Thad: Okay. Do you want me to help your Dad?

Lizzy let out a laugh which was a bit surprising but the green eyed drone just rolled his eyes at Lizzy.

Lizzy: While in a perfect world that would be the case but I need you to hang out with Doll.

Thad was a bit happy that hanging out with Doll was the only thing he had to do. It was way better than setting up for Prom as he didn't really have anything in mind for that dance at all.

Thad: Alright I can do it but why are you saying I owe you a favor? Last time I checked I remember helping you with science.

Lizzy: You mean the thing I got a C+ on yeah you were totally helpful.

Lizzy's sarcasm was obvious and Thad found it an annoying trait with the girl but hey what exactly was he going to do? Try and call out the teachers daughter who could screw his grades up? Yeah no he wasn't willing to do that.

Lizzy: Besides me and Doll brought you to the nurse. You do remember that right?

Thad face palmed how could he forget that he almost died tonight?! Thad just pushed his embarrassment aside to avoid the judgement of Lizzy.

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