Part 13

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The tower at Camp 98.7 was rather silent from the exterior the only noise being the wind blowing by with bits of snow being dragged through the air. The inside however was plagued with the angst and annoyance from one Worker.

Uzi: How is Thai a use of my skills?! I show that I'm capable and that I can fight but now my mom insists on keeping me in this stupid tower.

J: It could always be worse Uzi.

Uzi: You don't have parental issues.

J: Yeah, my mom just died and I'm the cause.

Uzi: I- sorry J.

J: It's fine... but you have to remove your running off the idea that you're capable of fighting something that I don't even know about.

Uzi: But I hate being kept in a place for "my own good".

J: Your mother didn't do that. She cares and doesn't want to lose you... same with me.

Uzi: What?

J: Nothing. Do you maybe want to hang out?

Uzi: A tower that I'm Locke din is a pretty lame date.

J: And that prom was terrible, but you didn't see me complaining.

Uzi: Is there an issue J?

J: No well yes but it's just... I'm trying to understand your thought process. Your mother wants you safe and I get that you hate your father-

Uzi: Khan.

J: I get that you currently hate Khan but why get this upset over it.

Uzi: Ughhhh. It's... I don't like feeling useless J. I hate it. I despise it! Why is this emotional stuff so difficult?!

J: I have terrible coping mechanisms and you are for the lack of the proper word have a lot of issues. That requires therapy and instead of treating me like a company approved therapist you should be treating me like...

Uzi: ...

J: Finish the sentence.

Uzi: My girlfriend.

J: Improper word at the start but aside from that it's approved.

Uzi: You're weird.

J: And you are too. You know I still can't believe you were named Uzi?

Uzi: Why?

J: Well, it's a gun... a relatively small one-

Uzi looked at J in utter confusion while J's attempts at informing was interrupted.

J: You have no idea what I'm talking about do you?

Uzi: I know about guns... like Rail Guns and... uhhh Bite Me!

J: You just love being open, don't you?

Uzi: You're... just don't make any short jokes. I hear enough of that from V.

J: I wouldn't imagine doing that... unless you deserved it.

Uzi sat down which was relieving to J as the Worker had been pacing and partially arguing and venting since Nori and everything else left. Though it was in this moment that she remembered the one person who wasn't informed of what was going on at all.

J: Tessa!

Uzi: Ughhh what about the human.

J: We didn't tell her anything and company knows what she'll do if she isn't informed.

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