Chapter Eight - Back To Reality

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Thain's POV

"If ever there comes a time where you feel horny enough to let this repeat itself, I will cut your dick off and stuff it so far down your throat it'll come out of your ass do you understand? " I ask my voice low and threatening and he nods "yes Don" he says with his head bowed in respect "get the fuck out of my sight" I command as he hurriedly scurries away.

Normally I wouldn't feel the need to scold my men but for some reason there's this over protective feeling I get when it comes to this girl I would rather snap someone's neck than have them touch her. So earlier when Ray had informed me of Phineas's little encounter with her I couldn't help myself but to give him a firm talking to.

I can't keep up on everything my men does but each and every one of them knows the consequences of every possible action they could take that'll go against my orders. I don't tolerate disrespect and if I have to mention the same thing to the same person more than once then I'll automatically take that as disobedience so if after today I get another complaint about Phineas it'll be a wrap for him.

Plopping my body on the huge white couch I sigh allowing my eyes to fall shut. I am drained mentally and quite frankly I don't want to be a mafia leader right now. Yes, the power and fame that comes with being me sure is nice but sometimes the stress of it all gets too much.

I wonder a lot if dad felt this was any at all when it was him that was Don because in my presence he has always seemed focus and ready for anything that was ought to come at him. I've never seen him not excited about doing this job and it never bothered me the least because in my mind I would never be burdened with whatever he has on his shoulders.

It all was just a simple thought until my mind spiraled.

My freedom had came to an end when I turned twelve. Dad made sure my older brother and I knew everything there was to know about being in control of his empire and what it would take to run it. In all honesty I showed so much interest in this because as I wasn't the golden child training and learning what my dad had to teach was how I as the second born and not the heir got to spend time with him.

I did my best in every task he'd give us, I sacrificed my innocence to please him making my first kill at only sixteen. I wanted to hear 'im proud of you' from my father but with all the nightmares and the ptsd I get from taking someone's life at such a young age the only thing I managed to get was a pat on the back.

Since that day I realized that no matter how hard I try I wouldn't be able to please him so everything I did after that was for me. I wasn't gonna become Don anyways so why not have fun while my reign lasted. I forced myself to become ruthless, mercilessly killing anyone dad had ordered me to with no questions asked. Though the flashbacks would leave me with terrible headaches I kept it together because that was who I had become a killing machine for my Don father.

My brother on the other hand had it easy while I had to work for what I wanted he just had to say the word and it was at his feet. We never really had a relationship growing up since he's the precious first born and heir to whatever fucked up lifestyle we were born into. He had everything and everyone at his mercy and I hated that I didn't have that same respect being I was the one to do all the dirty work which he got credited for.

I had long accepted that once dad retired I'd be nothing but a underboss or just a consigliere to my brother so would you imagine the day when dad decided he'd had enough and wanted to hand his lagacy to the next generation how that went? As you can tell I'm Don of the Black-Elite mafia because dispite my younger self thinking my innocence have gone in vain my father was fully aware of my hard work and to no surprise what my brother was offering wasn't his standard need of what he wanted for his empire.

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