Chapter Nine - And So It Began

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Ariana's POV

My eyes move from one person to another looking for who could possibly be watching me but everyone was doing there own thing supposedly. My body did a 180 turn just as my eyes flashed over a camera flash and if I wasn't this focused I would've missed it as the sun being so bright wasn't of any help.

"Him? It's him am I right?" I ask Ray excitingly and he gave me a proud nod as the guy who is supposed to be guarding waved at us.

I've been training all day first it was physically learning how to defend myself in a fight against both male and female and neither was easy as I was at a disadvantage being 5'4. Xavier is a pretty good teacher though and I know with his help I'll be able to go against anyone. After all the Physical I moved on to weaponry and although I was sure I could fire a gun confidently today's lesson thought me how to use my surroundings as a weapon everything including a stick, a piece of old iron even a water bottle everything can be a weapon if you so want it to be.

Now I am here with Ray who is teaching me how to observe and analyze my environment. He says by the end of my training I should be able to be invisible, my training ought to give me super powers. To me though that's no problem at all clearly he hasn't met me, I can be invisible if I think about it really hard he'll just see.

"It's good you're a fast learner" he say holding his hand up for a high five that a gladly obliged to giggling. "Cassius will accompany you back to your room, get a shower and meet Silver in his office" he informs me and I gave an understanding nod as he waves my blonde ball of fur over.

Cassius reached where we were standing and held his hand out for me which I gladly took after biding Ray goodbye. "How was training today?" Cassius ask as we walk back to the house, "it was surprisingly good everyone is super helpful and Xavier is so friendly" I say ranting before I notice him pouting making me laugh "what is that about?" I ask "I'll have to warn that Xavier he can't just replace me" he mutters and I laugh at his big baby ways "no one here will ever replace you sir blonde besides you're the only I can actually be around without Thain frowning and yes I've noticed it" I tell him rolling my eyes.

Thain for whatever reason frown upon anyone I speak with here, even if it's a slight good morning or when I would ask for directions since I still haven't figured out my way around this place as yet. Thain's face always remain emotionless in the presence of his men so I notice when even the slightest smirk pull at his lips, not that I'm watching him or anything.

"It's good otherwise we would have a problem" he says smirking, right. We soon reach the house and he allowed me to go to my room on my own since he said he was gonna head to the kitchen. Cassius is a big foodie and although he's somewhat a picky eater I like to think that's something we have in common.

I reach my room in no time entering before closing and locking the door behind me. I head straight for the bathroom stripping and stepping into the shower, I wash my body clean of all the sweat and dirt and I had to let out a sigh feeling almost lighter.

In all honesty, I've been here for almost four days and I've never been better. Normally when I'm home I'd have sleepless nights only getting some sleep when the sun would rise as that's why I felt safe enough to actually fall to a slumber. Here I sleep quite fine right through the night for more than the recommended 8 hours. How? Or why? You may ask, it's because for whatever reason I trust that Thain, Cassius and even Ray won't ever let me be harmed.

Again, I shouldn't even feel this way and I know that because I now live in a home filled with nothing but heartless killing machines. The same people that's in the business of the man that took my parents and brother from me. I should hate all this shouldn't I? Yet I don't. I'm supposed to be doing this to get my revenge but now I don't even feel like that's much of a reason anymore.

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