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When the Reckoner touched down upon the Venator's hangar bay, (Y/N) could already see clone troopers running towards the ramp of his ship, armed to the teeth. (Y/N) immediately ran to his storage room and began hiding all of the artifacts he had anywhere he could find. From drawers to the floorboards, if he could sense a Dark Side presence, he hid it. Just as he was shoving Nox's old lightsaber underneath the couch cushions, he heard someone shouting from outside.

"(Y/N) (L/N), this is Commander Cody of the Grand Army of the Republic! Come out of the ship with your hands up!" the now-identified clone commander yelled. (Y/N) pulled up the security feed from outside the ramp. (Y/N) saw the commander standing behind a line of kneeled clone troopers carrying DC-15A blasters, that line flanked by what appeared to be flame troopers. (Y/N) went to check the console to see if he could run, but no dice. Tractor cannon was still active.

"Alright, plan time. Priority one, get past those clones. Second, disable the tractor cannon. Thrid, run. Dodge Skywalker, Kenobi, and Tano at any cost," (Y/N) muttered to himself. (Y/N) pressed a few buttons on the console to lower the ramp. However, before the end of the ramp could touch the floor of the hangar, (Y/N) had already jumped out of the back of the ship, lightsaber ignited.

(Y/N) hit the floor with his lightsaber already skewering a clone trooper through the chest. He pulled it out of the trooper's chest to block a couple of shots from another one. The clone who was shooting at him had his last shot returned like a letter through his mailbox visor. He picked another into the air using the Force, causing the trooper to fly sky high. He shocked another trooper while the first began to fall, as (Y/N) slashed the falling clone in half before he hit the ground. More clones flooded the hangar, 212th and 501st alike. (Y/N) cut through some like butter, others he shocked until their death. However, there were far too many for him to keep up, eventually taking a shot in the leg, forcing him to a knee.

"Carbonite troopers, move up!" (Y/N) heard Cody shout, as six 'flame'-troopers moved up. A pair of exhaust vents popped up on each of their packs, causing smoke to pour from them to the floor. (Y/N) tried to move out of the way, but he found his leg unable to move.

"C'mon, c'mon!" (Y/N) muttered, encouraging his dysfunctional limb to move. He could feel the cold of the carbonite land across several limbs. The ring of Carbonite troopers surrounded (Y/N), who made one final desperation play. He used his good leg to jump towards one of the Carbonite troopers, hoping beyond hope to slash them and buy himself a few more seconds. But it was too little too late, as the trooper was able to side-step, sealing (Y/N)'s fate. He tried to use Convection to warm himself, but he found himself unable to, his fear causing that particular power to short out. (Y/N) raised a hand to the air, taking him a few seconds to manage it, but before he could even think of anything to do, he passed out, fully frozen in Carbonite.

When (Y/N) came to, he found himself on an archipelago of floating islands, a stormy sky above. All of the plants and grass that may have once been on the islands were long since dead, and all of the craters that may have once been ponds or the like had been long since dried up.

"Oh, great, I'm back here again," Nox sighed, materializing next to (Y/N).

"You know this place?" (Y/N) asked, hoping for some tips on how to get out of there.

Nox pinched his nose in frustration, saying, "Yes, I do. You just got us both trapped in Carbonite. If you're hoping for a way out, you aren't getting one. Not unless someone decides to let you out, which given that it was the Jedi who managed to capture you, I doubt is happening any time soon."

Meanwhile, back in reality, the Jedi Council were having an emergency session. Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka had transferred (Y/N) to a proper Carbonite package once they had arrived to Coruscant, and he was currently floating in the air in the middle of the chamber, Anakin and Ahsoka on either side of him. Obi-Wan had taken his seat, already trapped in a debate with the rest of the council.

"Masters, I believe there is still light within the boy. As Anakin and Ahsoka can corroborate, he assisted us with the defeat of the Son on Mortis, even at great cost to himself," he explained.

"Actually, Masters, I think the only reason he did that was so that he could interact with technology again," Anakin said.

"Perhaps, but with time he could have been able to interact again, even with the lightning as it was. Yet still, he chose to assist us."

"If you ask me, it doesn't matter," Windu stated, making his thoughts known. "He's already fallen, he's too dangerous to be left alive. Just turn off his life support in there, don't know why you bothered to turn it on in the first place."

"Still, the boy shows great potential. If we could suppress his inner darkness, then he could become a great asset against the Seperatists," Obi-Wan countered.

"Perhaps the Holocron of Master Pernicar?" Ki-Adi Mundi suggested. "It will allow us to clear his mind and his inner Darkness in a single, efficient stroke."

"I do not believe we need to go that far, Master Mundi. I think giving him some therapy and a different Master from when he was previously a Padawan should suffice."

"Agree with Master Mundi, I do," the Grandmaster stated. "At war, we are. Take such a risk, we cannot. Go to the Vault you will, Master Kenobi, and retrieve the Holocron. If so confident in this boy's potential, you are, then his Master, you shall be."

The council finished some other business that had to be taken care of anyway before ending the session. Once everything was complete, Obi-Wan stood up before giving a bow to his fellow councilors before heading to the library. He had already sent Ahsoka and Anakin to the detention block to thaw (Y/N) out and place him in a restraint bed. When he arrived at the Holocron vault in the Temple Library, he put in his access codes, given only to himself and the other member's of the council. He used the terminal held within, searching for the Holocron of Master Pernicar, as well as checking for any previous uses.

There were none marked.

That fact gave Obi-Wan pause. Why would the council ask him to use an artifact whose purpose had been lost to history? He was forced to push those thoughts aside for now, as he had been handed an order by the Council, one that he would have to carry out.

While Obi-Wan was retrieving the Holocron, Ahsoka and Anakin had a different task. They were walking through the Halls of Healing towards an elevator rarely used. One that was explicitly designed to carry unwilling Force Sensitives. Sure, (Y/N) was frozen in Carbonite, but (Y/N) had displayed an ability to conduct heat, so they were taking no chances.

"Alright, let's just get him in here and melt the popsicle," Anakin urged, pressing Ahsoka to move slightly faster. The two stood the Sith-cicle onto its side below (Y/N)'s feet, ready to unfreeze the boy.

"Get him in the Magnetic Containment Unit before he wakes up. It cost a lot of good men to get him restrained," Anakin sighed, upset about the losses aboard the Venator when (Y/N) was captured.

"Is all of this really needed?" Ahsoka asked. "He was reasonable back on Mortis. He helped us against the Son. Why can't we trust him?"

"Because he's a Sith, Ahsoka," Anakin explained. "They never do anything unless it benefits them, cost be damned."

"Maybe..." Ahsoka sighed. The two had managed to get the boy into the Unit quickly, Anakin placing a gag over his mouth so that he couldn't scream. There they waited for him to wake up, or for Obi-Wan to arrive, whichever came first.

"Hrrm?" the two heard from the Containment Unit. (Y/N) had woken up, and he was none too pleased with being trapped as he was. There was a bit of struggling, but eventually he gave up, opting to save his strength. He looked at the two Jedi present with a sarcastic glare, asking if all of this was really needed.

"Well, good morning sleepy," Anakin joked, earning an eye roll in return. "The Council seems to think they have a way of bringing you back to the Light. If I were you, I'd hope they're right. I don't think you're gonna much like what happens if it doesn't work."

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