Arrival on Raxus

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(Y/N) began his flight towards the Separatist defenses over Raxus. (Y/N) had quickly thought of a cover story on the way over, one that they would hopefully buy. He hailed the vessel in charge of the defenses, ready to explain himself.

"Raxus Security, I am (Y/N) (L/N) aboard the Starship Reckoner. IFF signature Senth Niner Eight Three. I am seeking asylum from the Galactic Republic after the Jedi framed me for treason against them," (Y/N) lied, though the separatists didn't need to know that. "I repeat, I am seeking asylum from the Galactic Republic."

"Starship Reckoner, you have been authorized to land outside of Raxulan. You will be escorted by a pair of vulture droids, and if you stray from your course, you will be shot down. Is this understood?"

(Y/N) sent his acknowledgement to the fleet, accepting the droid escort on either side of himself. As he was approaching the planet, he received further landing instructions. Specifically, he was to land on the western side of the city where he would be greeted by a couple of Senators to be escorted to the Senate building. Once they arrived there, there would be an emergency vote over whether to grant him the asylum he requested. As he was flying, (Y/N) pushed his lightsaber up his sleeve, figuring seeing it on his waist would cause them to think he was a Jedi lying about seeking asylum. Which he was, but not for the reasons it would give off.

When (Y/N) landed, he was greeted by a pair of Senators. One was a human female, older and taller in stature. This was Mina Bonterri, apparently a head of the peace faction within the senate. The other was a male Siniteen named Bec Lawise. (Y/N) was informed that he was the head of the Separatist Senate, and was second only to Dooku himself. That caused (Y/N) to raise an eyebrow.

"What's the second in command of the entire movement doing greeting an asylum seeker?" (Y/N) asked. "For all you know, I'm still in league with the Republic to get rid of you. I'm not, but this would be far too easy if I were."

"Because, unlike the Republic," Bonterri began, "we believe that such methods are unneeded. In fact, we would like a peaceful end to this war, but everyone is hesitant to offer peace without confirmation the Republic would be open to it."

"Talks of peace and war can wait," Lawise said. "We need to get to the session about whether you should be allowed to stay on Raxus."

"Of course Senators. Please, lead the way."

The three took a taxi speeder through the city, with the Senators explaining what to expect from the hearing. Mostly what he had done to require asylum, his position within the Republic, and similar questions. (Y/N) nodded his head in understanding. The three finally arrived at the massive tower in the center of the city, revealed to be the CIS equivalent of the senate building. They all exited the speeder and began making their way into the chambers of the Separatist Parliament, flanked on either side by a pair of guards for each Senator, and four for (Y/N) to ensure he didn't attempt anything.

When they stepped through the doors of Parliament, (Y/N) was met with a much simpler style of meeting than the elaborate senatorial platforms of the Republic. Where the republic Senate was a massive building around two thousand times the size of a person, the Separatist Parliament room was more about ten times the size of a person. On either side of the room, there were benches for the Senators not speaking to sit on, though most of the space appeared empty. Clearly, they were still waiting on a few people to show up. It was requested (Y/N) sit on a chair in the middle room so that the Parliament could observe him.

Once all of the Senators had arrived, the hearing was held in earnest. They asked him exactly what he had been told they would ask, and he answered mostly truthfully, with just enough lies to make it sound as though he was really in trouble with the Republic. He explained how he was once Windu's Padawan, how he had been removed from the order due to what Windu viewed as failure. As for what he had done to be forced to seek asylum, there he had to think on his feet.

"I was accused of assisting the bounty hunter Cad Bane steal a holocron from the Jedi Archive," (Y/N) explained. "Though admittedly, I suspect that the Jedi simply wanted someone to blame for their own inability to defend it."

"And still you claim innocence?" a Senator asked, unsure whether to believe him.

"Yes, I do," (Y/N) said.

"If we were to grant you asylum," another Senator asked, "what would you require of us?"

"Nothing besides a place to park my ship and directions to someone willing to hire me," (Y/N) replied. This was met with a few murmurs of respect. Clearly, most asylum speakers asked for far more. "I can live out of my ship, it's practically a small apartment."

"If there are no other questions," Bec Lawise said from the large Speaker's podium, "then we shall begin the vote. All who are in favor of granting (Y/N) (L/N) asylum from the Galactic Republic, please raise your hands and say 'Aye'."

A good chunk of Senators raised their hands, willing to offer asylum.

"All opposed, raise your hands and say 'Nay,'" Lawise continued.

There were a few Senators who did not wish it, but they had been outvoted.

"The Ayes have it. (Y/N) (L/N) will be granted a place to park his ship to act as his home, and granted a new chance to live and thrive here on Raxus. This concludes this session."

After a good number of Senators left the room, (Y/N) began to move to exit as well. However, he was stopped by Senator Bonterri, who had something to offer him.

"Mr. (L/N)," she interrupted, "I heard you needed a place to work for now. If what you have said in the chamber is true, I am happy to offer you a position as one of my assistants."

"Senator, I'm honored," (Y/N) said, "but are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, I am a recent defector. That could get you accused of treason."

"Perhaps," Bonterri pondered, "but I believe it's worth the risk. I wish to show you that we are better than the Republic, that we are willing to extend an olive branch."

"In that case, I accept."


Y'know, for a second there, I was considering making this Reader x Ventress. Then I saw that, by the time of the Clone Wars, Ventress is in her 30s.

Yeah, that's not happening.

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