Don't Show Your Hand

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"I propose the ordering of five million more clone troopers," the Senator from Kamino suggested to the rest of the Senate. It had been two days since the attack, and still the members of the Senate were demanding escalation. When Padme suggested that this was merely a fringe group of Separatists, similar to the Death Watch of Mandalore, she was met with people calling her a traitor (even the Banking Clan and Trade Federation, which (Y/N) would find deliciously ironic if it were anyone else getting called traitor).

"Members of the Senate, please, please!" Palpatine yelled, trying to get everyone to think rationally. However, before he could get to what he was trying to say, the Vice Chair turned to him, relaying some sort of message. Palpatine placed his hand on his chin, as if debating something in his mind.

Ultimately, he decided to announce, "We have just received a message from our opponent, Count Dooku." He motioned to his Vice Chair to play the message.

"This morning, your clone forces carried out a barbaric attack against our people! And among the deaths was the very sponsor of these peace accords, Senator Mina Bonteri," the hologram of Dooku said, shocking both (Y/N) and Padme. Padme seemed to think it was simply horrendous luck, but (Y/N) had a feeling there was something amiss. These thoughts would have to wait, however, as the hologram continued its message, "As a result, I am left with little choice but to retract the offer for peace proposed by our Senate."

With that, the hologram faded, and the Senate once again erupted into calls for an escalation in the war. Padme looked to the floor of her repulsorpod dejected, but with (Y/N), he had all of his suspicions proven correct, as he was just barely able to spot the faintest hint of a smirk across the Supreme Chancellor's face...

It was quickly washed away, however, as the Vice Chair turned towards Palpatine with apparently more news. Palpatine raised his voice, attempting to establish order on the floor. Once all of the Senators quieted down enough for him to speak, Palpatine announced that Gume Saam, Senator of the Techno Union had been discovered dead in his office with a recording attached to his chest and the words 'Thus Always To Traitors' carved into his office floor. The death was attributed to the Jedi Order, as he had been found with multiple lightsaber wounds, though what had actually killed him remained unknown.

"As a result of this senseless murder," Palpatine prompted, "I will personally be proposing a new piece of legislation to place sanctions on the Jedi Order. After all, if they can do this, then who knows what they can do if they persuade an entire battalion against us."

As expected, the Banking Clan and Trade Federation put their immediate support behind this, neither one being great fans of the Jedi. And while (Y/N) did agree that it was always a mistake to give the Order too much power, he couldn't help but feel Palpatine had an ulterior motive to this. But, for now, he'd have to put those thoughts aside, as he had a certain Senator to lecture about caution and not overplaying her hand.

"The first thing we can do is defeat this bill," (Y/N) heard a male voice saying from inside Padme's office.

"Can we really win this war with the troops we have, Bail?" Padme responded, dejected.

"Let's hope we don't have to," sighed Bail Organa, defeatedly.

(Y/N) entered the door of the office, seeing Senators Organa, Amidala, and Farr speaking at the desk. Padme's aide, Teckla Minnau, stood off to the side holding a datapad.

"I am already working on a speech to help, but I need ammunition," Organa pointed out.

Farr responded, "But we can't afford ammunition, remember?" This was met with looks of disappointment from the two other Senators, as now wasn't really the time for such jokes.

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