Finding What Was Lost

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When the ship pulled itself out of hyperspace, (Y/N) was sitting at the console. He had left hyperspace near another city-planet, nearly reaching the sprawl of Coruscant. However, there was one patch of the planet that remained entirely wild, untouched by the city surrounding it. (Y/N) wasn't sure what exactly it was, but it felt like the force was calling him to it. (Y/N) took the Recovery down into the planet's upper atmosphere before receiving yet another call over the intercom.

"Starship Recovery, this is Taris Traffic Control. Be advised, the area you are heading to is off limits to all traffic without explicit permission from us. Please dock at Hanger Shan-24 so we may discuss your entry."

"Taris Traffic Control, this is Starship Recovery. Docking at Shan-24 now." (Y/N) replied.

(Y/N) did as instructed, docking the Recovery in the Hangar named after the ancient Jedi Master. When he landed in the Hangar, he was met with a human and a protocol droid. (Y/N) stepped off the ramp, ready to greet them.

The droid greeted (Y/N) like a diplomat. "Good Morning, Master Jedi. I am protocol droid designation T4-FE, here by request of Taris Traffic Control. If you could please inform us what you are doing here and why you were going to the restricted zone?"

"Not to mention," the human next to T4 began, "you don't look like Master Vokara Che. This is her ship, isn't it?"

(Y/N) tensed up, not fully prepared for this. Once again forming a story on the spot, (Y/N) lied through his teeth. "Yes. I'm (Y/N) (L/N), a recent addition to Master Che's Medical Corps. I was given a mission to find something to assist someone who had fallen ill with some sort of disease. Master Che told me there was something in that area that would help. She gave me her ship to use as this mission is urgent and I do not have one of my own."

"Ah, Rakghoul Plague, nasty business," the human said. "When you take off for the area, make sure to give this code. Otherwise, they're going to open fire."

"Sir, shouldn't we ask about our problem as well?" T4 asked the human, who quickly gained a look of recognition on his face.

"Oh yeah, forgot about that for a moment," the human replied. "See, a couple of rich kids who thought they were invisible snuck into the area you're about to go into. They got bit and are now turning into the very things that bit them. We got 6 injured, so if you could get 7 of the Rakghoul tissue samples instead of just the one for the Temple, that'd be greatly appreciated. Plus, it comes with a great reward. 1500 credits a pop."

"Understood. I'll get you those tissue samples." (Y/N) walked back onto the ship, giving TTC the code given to him.

"Starship Recovery, this is Taris Traffic Control, your code is recognized. Be safe, Master Jedi." That last bit left (Y/N) chuckling to himself. After all, he was a Jedi no longer.

(Y/N) allowed the force to guide his piloting, at least in terms of where to go. He used the force like a metal detector, going where the feeling was stronger, and turning around when it became weaker. He eventually landed in an area of uninhibited nature, covered with moss and trees. However, the most notable thing about it was the massive ship that had become overgrown with moss. It appeared to be a much larger version of a V-Wing fighter. This must have been the ship that Master Che was talking about. But how could he get rid of all the foliage covering it?

(Y/N) looked down at his hand, remembering how the droid exploded when he shot the lightning at it. If he could make metal explode, certainly he could just light some flammable material on fire, right? (Y/N) focused on the same emotions that caused him to shoot the lightning in the first place. His hatred for Windu, his anger at what the man called training, the fact that he was still considered the second most prestigious man in the order. He thought back to that same electric sensation that locked his muscles, that allowed him to awaken the power. However, unlike last time, he did not allow his emotions to control him, he controlled them. He desired that sensation upon what was in front of him once again, but less. He pictured Windu in front of him, but rather than Windu screaming in agony like he saw last time, it was more him becoming unable to move.

Suddenly, a bright flash of amethyst burst from the boy's fingertips, that same lightning from before, but less powerful. It made contact with the foliage covering the ship, burning it away, leaving the large ship in its normal state.

A slight spark of lightning must have hit the ship itself, as (Y/N) heard a humming noise, as well as several lights coming to life and the engines beginning to whir

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A slight spark of lightning must have hit the ship itself, as (Y/N) heard a humming noise, as well as several lights coming to life and the engines beginning to whir. Looking around the exterior of the ship, (Y/N) tried to find the boarding ramp so that he could board the ship and find the interior. Eventually, he was able to find it and climbed aboard.

 Eventually, he was able to find it and climbed aboard

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"So, the prodigal Prince finally arrives..." (Y/N) heard a voice coming from the conference room of the ship, clearly male from the depth of it. Unsure of what it was, (Y/N) pulled out his lightsaber, its blue beam lighting the area around him.

"Who's there?" (Y/N) questioned the air around him, not seeing anyone. Eventually, a figure of blue faded into view.

"That would be me, my descendant."

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