Lightsaber Training

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Obi-Wan instructed his apprentice to set his lightsaber to training mode, which (Y/N) had already done. He knew there was going to be lightsaber training, so he decided to be prepared. He ignited his own orange blade, ready for whatever came his way.

"We're doing a joint training session today," Obi-Wan explained. "Almost every form has the ability to counter another. You will be dueling Anakin, who uses Form V. The fight will be far easier for you if you use Soresu, as I have taught you."

Now that idea gave (Y/N) pause. He wasn't sure he was ready to fight a Jedi Master, or at least not a Jedi Knight who had a Padawan assigned to him. Though (Y/N) had a strategy at this point, he wasn't entirely sure how sound it was or how well it would work. Start aggressive with Makashi, then whenever Skywalker got the upper hand, (Y/N) would swap over to Soresu until Skywalker tired himself out. Swap back to Makashi, don't give him a chance to recover.

Obi-Wan waved his hand, using the Force to manipulate the internal mechanisms in the walls of the Temple, folding the wall separating two of the training rooms against another, creating a room twice as long. On the other side of the wall was standing Anakin and Ahsoka, Ahsoka having her lightsabers ignited.

"Oh, right, I forgot to mention. To see who goes first, you're fighting Ahsoka," Obi-Wan said. "Have fun!"

(Y/N) sighed, taking his starting position in the fighting area. Across from him, Ahsoka ignited her twin blades, holding the shorter of the two in her classic reverse grip. (Y/N) had a quick look around to see what objects might be liable to be thrown around to either's advantage, finding a couple of scraps on the ground.

"You are both to act as if this is a real fight, like the other one has gone to the Separatists. Is that clear?" Anakin asked. The two Padawans nodded in confirmation.

"Ready," Obi-Wan began. (Y/N) did the classic saber salute common in Makashi, holding his blade at his right side. Ahsoka intensified her crouch, ready to leap as soon as they were under way. Anakin raised his hand into the air, looking at the two Padawans.

"Go!" Anakin yelled, dropping his hand. Ahsoka leapt at (Y/N), aiming a swing at his neck. (Y/N) raised his own saber to block, parrying the blade away before going for a thrust at her chest. Ahsoka lifted her second blade to perform a parry of her own, swinging her main lightsaber in another attempt at a strike. (Y/N) side-stepped the attack, bouncing his saber off of Ahsoka's and attempting a slash across her stomach. Ahsoka responds by dodging backwards before jumping right back in, which was exactly what (Y/N) was counting on. (Y/N) spins his saber into an obvious stabbing motion, Ahsoka responding by spinning her sabers ready to parry. (Y/N) used the force to subtly shift her lightsabers away from his actual plan, spinning his lightsaber around to slash from his left. Because the lightsabers were in training mode, it did little more than burn her side and knock her away. (Y/N) returned to his starting stance once again, holding his saber near his right hip.

"Ahsoka wins," Anakin announced. This confused the hell out of (Y/N), who was clearly the one still standing.

"What?" (Y/N) asked, requesting an explanation. "I got the hit."

"Yes, you did," Obi-Wan stated, "but you fought improperly." This prompted an eyebrow from (Y/N), who was still confused.

"Is the point of a fight not to win?" (Y/N) pondered. "If so, what does it matter how? Especially if she was a Separatist, as the instructions at the start stated."

"Perhaps, but that does not excuse that fighting style, (Y/N)," Obi-Wan chided. "Human brains are funny things. Even if you only do it to those who do wrong, if you ever find yourself needing to rely on such tricks, your mind will happily find a charge to fit the punishment." Knowing that there was no use arguing further, (Y/N) conceded.

"Alright, so she won. What happens now?" (Y/N) asked, putting his lightsaber away.

"She wins a rest," Obi-Wan grinned, stroking his beard. "Anakin?"

"Alright, I'm on it. Just remember, you owe me 50 credits," Anakin smirked. As Anakin was moving into position across from (Y/N), the Padawan pondered his strategy further. Based on the recordings (Y/N) had seen in the Jedi Archives, his best bet was to be aggressive, not allowing Anakin to mount an offensive, and coming at him from multiple angles. Thankfully, there were more than a few items around for (Y/N) to throw.

As soon as Obi-Wan gave the start signal, (Y/N) used the force to throw a shelving unit at Skywalker, who used his own abilities to throw it aside. (Y/N) followed it up by tossing a training dummy, which followed the same pattern. Finally, (Y/N) threw a crate of some variety. When Anakin went to throw it to the side, he was immediately met with (Y/N) running at him, saber ready for a stab. Anakin parried it to the side and then used the momentum to spin the saber around. What surprised (Y/N) was the power behind the parry, fully knocking him to the side, leaving his right side entirely open for the slash. (Y/N) felt the pain of the electric sting from the training mode saber, yet strangely it felt familiar. He grunted, raising to his feet as Obi-Wan declared a point for Skywalker. This was more training than actual competition, so Skywalker's points were acting more as evidence of how far (Y/N) had to go than actual points. Fifteen rounds, no matter how many points either side accrued.

Obi-Wan gave the go signal once again, Anakin charging this time. (Y/N) did his best to defend with Soresu, but his technique was still not great. It didn't take much for Anakin to break his guard again, another shock and another point to Skywalker to be found soon after. And again. Once more. (Y/N) was starting to get tired, clearly noticed by the other Jedi. At this point, the score was fourteen nil in favor of Anakin. Obi-Wan raised his hand, ready to start the match again. His hand dropped, and Anakin leapt at (Y/N), going for an overhead swing. (Y/N) stepped to the side, towards Obi-Wan. He raised the orange saber in his right hand towards Anakin, then looked towards Obi-Wan's belt, specifically the lightsaber hanging off of it. He raised his left hand, willing the lightsaber to come to him. This surprised Obi-Wan who raised an eyebrow and stroked his beard. (Y/N) turned his head just in time to see a slash coming from his right, moving his own orange saber to block, igniting Kenobi's blue blade and stabbing it at Anakin's gut. Due to the Knight's saber being knocked out of the way, combined with the unexpectedness of the second blade, (Y/N) finally managed to get himself a hit.

"Point to (Y/N)," Obi-Wan grinned. "You really should pay more attention to your surroundings, Anakin."

"C'mon, that was cheap," Anakin complained, though clearly not meaning it, the grin on his face clear evidence of such.

"So was the 'Correllian' Ale you gave me last week, so I'd call it even."

Anakin rolled his eyes, a grin still present on his face. The two returned to their fighting positions, before Obi-Wan dropped his hand once more, getting the next fight started.


And that's a wrap on a new chapter. Before you head out though, I got some questions for y'all.

First, do you want the MC of this story to swap over to dual wielding, or keep it to only one saber?

Second, would y'all be interested in an original work? It would probably wind up an Isekai with an actually named protagonist, and all the tropey goodness that genre brings. Though other side of the coin, as the MC gets summoned to be the new Demon King.

Let me know your thoughts, can't wait to hear them.

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