Disturbed Dreams

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(Y/N) went to bed for the night, ready to rest. However, his dreams would not be peaceful, regardless of the dreams setting.

He found himself in an expansive field full of lush grass and towering trees. If it wasn't for the fact that he could see the sky, he could easily confuse it for Kashyyyk. What really tipped him off that something wasn't quite right was the fact that there were no animals anywhere to be seen, not even their tracks. The only evidence of life, other than plants, was a seemingly-abandoned shack on the edge of the clearing. Seeing that there was little else to do in the area, he opted to go towards it.

When he reached the door, it opened on its own, no prompting from him via the Force required. The darkness of the unlit shack gave a look as if it went on forever, though it wouldn't last long. As soon as (Y/N) placed the first cautious step into the place, the lamps inside lit themselves, revealing an open-concept-esque area that seemed to act as both a living room and a dining room. Though unlike most living rooms, the only furniture inside was a chair and a couch with one armrest.

(Y/N) opted to continue exploring the place, keeping his guard up. He eventually found another door that led elsewhere, the room already lit. It was a sort of workshop, a small desk along one of the walls and another lined with tools. Bits of pieces of electronics lined the floor, almost looking like lightsaber parts. It was proven to be correct, as on the first desk, (Y/N) saw something. It was his own lightsaber, with all of the modifications that the Sith Lord made.

"What in the kriff?" (Y/N) muttered to himself. He reached out to grab it, but was startled by a voice coming from behind him.

"Welcome to my Holocron," the voice said. (Y/N) spun around, seeing a balding man with a beard, minus a moustache, wearing tan Jedi robes. "I'm Master Pernicar. I am here to assist you in your return to the Light."

"Return to the light?" (Y/N) questioned. "But I never fell. It was a Sith Lord, he took over my head..."

"No, he did not. Pick up your lightsaber, it will show you what truly happened."

(Y/N) looked at his lightsaber, unsure of what to do. What did Pernicar mean, show him what truly occurred. There was no way Kenobi and the Council lied to him, right?

"Time does not pass here, not unless I allow it. You can progress no further until you know the truth."

(Y/N) grabbed the lightsaber, getting a massive headache as soon as his hand closed around the hilt. Memories rushed into his head. The torture at the hands of Mace Windu, finding Nox, how the Sith had been gentler than the Jedi. He remembered the time he stopped the generators of Coruscant from exploding, and how he had killed that Senator for his treason against the Republic. He remembered it all.

His eyes turned a flaming orange, falling to the Dark Side once again. He ignited his orange blade, swinging at Pernicar. However, rather than splitting the Master in twain, it instead went right through him as though he wasn't even there. (Y/N), thinking that he had simply missed, shot lightning at Pernicar, but it merely phased straight through him, the Jedi Master entirely unphased.

"So you know your past. That is good, we can continue," Pernicar said. "Please, come with me, so I might assist you."

"What have you done to me, you son of a Hutt?!" (Y/N) yelled, demanding an answer for the state of his mind.

"You were unable to know your own past without falling to the Dark Side. As such, when you awake, you shall forget," Pernicar stated casually, as if he wasn't talking about messing with a person's head. "Your past shall remain locked to your conscious self until you can accept what has been done against you, and move beyond."

"So this is some kind of Therapy Cube?" (Y/N) seethed, pissed off that his mind was being messed with. "I got a better idea, you let me out of here, I destroy your Holocron, and you never get to mess with anyone's head ever again!"

"I'm afraid that's not an option," Pernicar siad. "Now please, have a seat." Pernicar gestured once again to the couch in the apparent living room.

"Kriff. No," (Y/N) replied defiantly. His left hand shot outward, using his Convection abilities to light the wooden shack on fire. However, every time the flames threatened to even so much as lick the wooden walls, it would be extinguished, the blue glow of Force Telekinetics proving that Pernicar was somehow involved. Seeing that his attempt had failed, he decided to try Cryokinesis, though not entirely sure how it might help.

Pernicar simply sighed, clearly annoyed at the boy's futile attempts to get away from the therapy that would be done for, in Pernicar's mind, own good. Why the boy wouldn't want to return to the light, Pernicar had no idea. Had he not seen what Nox had become in life? Even if the idea of becoming a similar monster wasn't enough of a turn away, the eyes alone would mess with any chance of living a normal life.

"(Y/N)!" the named boy faintly heard, as if someone far away was calling for him.

"Nox?" (Y/N) questioned the air, knowing that his ancestor was attempting to reach him.

"(Y/N), you need to get out of here. Take the keys, break your chains. Only you can free yourself!" Nox yelled. Clearly Pernicar heard Nox as well, as the Jedi Master rolled his eyes before deciding to end things for the night, at least until he could get the rowdy Sith Lord out of the Holocron. Perhaps if he could isolate Nox and banish him into the Living Force, it would expedite (Y/N)'s recovery massively.

"A shame, I was hoping to make so much more progress. Perhaps tomorrow night." Pernicar placed two fingers onto (Y/N)'s forehead, despite the attempt by the boy to cut his hand off. (Y/N)'s eyes rolled into the back of his head, as he awoke from his slumber, his eyes that same dull, lifeless grey once again.

Full disclosure, the original idea was that this would happen at the same time as (Y/N)'s body messing about in reality, but then I realized I don't have the skill to pull that off. Hopefully this works despite that.

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