The Sabaac Tournament

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It had taken him a few days, but (Y/N) had finally mastered Force Clouding. It was not so powerful as he could pass himself off as a Jedi again, but it would allow him to go about his business without being found. He had also practiced his Force Lightning when he was taking a break from the Clouding practice, and could now deliver small shocks through metal objects to another one with some precision.

Speaking of business, such a matter was what he was currently working towards. See, one of the local 'legitimate enterprises' was going to be hosting a Sabaac tournament with a 1000 credit buy-in. (Y/N) was fronting half of it himself, while the other half was 'willingly' fronted by some other local businesses. As he was looking at the tables that were going to be used for the tournament, he couldn't help but notice the sheer number of shiny surfaces that surrounded the table. He noticed that a number of them would provide line of sight to the cards of one's opponents, and one seat in particular provided such a thing to view the cards of every other participant, at the head of the table.

By complete and utter coincidence, that seat was literally the only one that was reserved for someone.

So, (Y/N) took the seat with the next highest number of surfaces. It allowed him to see the cards of the person across from him and the person on either side of them. From his position, the door was on his right, from which he saw the other participants enter. There was a male Twi'lek, a female cyborg with a cybernetic eye (which the organizers required to be covered at all times), a female human, and a male Togruta. All of them were now sitting at the table, waiting for the person who the seat was reserved for to arrive. When he finally did arrive, (Y/N) realized why, exactly, the cheat seat had been reserved. The man who walked in, now sitting at the head of the table, was a Wandering Star Captain. On his entry, he was flanked by a pair of guards, just daring someone to try something.

Once everyone was sat down, play began. The organizers opted to start small, with an initial ante of only 10 credits per person. All of the players threw their antes into the pot in the middle of the table clockwise, beginning with the Wandering Star Captain. Once all of the antes were in, the neutrality field was ignited, and play was ready to begin. The cards were distributed, 3 to each person. The droid in charge didn't bother with going around the table three times, instead opting to give everyone all three of their cards at once.

(Y/N) looked at his hand, he was currently sitting on a hand composed of a -15, -12, and 6. -21 total. Not a sabaac, but enough that he had a decent chance. He moved to place all of his cards into the neutrality field, when he was interrupted by the droid.

"I'm sorry sir, but please refrain from interacting with the field until the version has been selected. Mr. Hydrona, would you please select a variant for this hand?" the droid asked, turning to the captain. The captain grinned, already having a variant in mind.

"Let's keep it simple for now, Coruscanti standard," he proclaimed. That was already the type being played, so (Y/N) ignored it. However, when he went to place his cards in the field, he'd noticed that they had changed. Now, he had 14, -14, and the Idiot, or 0. Now, he was at 0, the furthest he could possibly be from a sabaac. So, he sighed, and held all three cards. However, unlike the way Sabaac was supposed to work, as the hand continued, his cards never changed.

Great, another fail safe, just in case the Wandering Star Captain became a drooling moron mid-game.

With this information, (Y/N) decided to fold that hand mid-way through, not wanting to waste more credits on a hand already lost. At the end of the hand, everyone except (Y/N) was still in, and everyone revealed their hands in the neutrality zone. Of course, everyone was relatively close to zero, all except the captain who had a 22. Not quite enough to take the Sabaac pot, but enough to take the main pot. Just like that, the captain was up to over 2100 credits, while the rest were down to 750. (Y/N) himself had 900 credits remaining.

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