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   You were really upset of Poseidon and chose to exclude yourself from everyone including himself to the point of where he would beg only to take a single glimpse of your face.

   He claims he felt remorse of his actions, yet he still commits several crimes towards you. He was a man with no bitches because of his sassy attitude.

   Currently, he was outside of your bedroom, begging once more to see you. He was being cautious of his words in order to perhaps guilt trip you or even gaslight.

   "Please, [name]. You have no idea about my current mentality now, and it is because of your arrogance."

   You remained silent through his obvious wails on the other side of this door as he knocked the door furiously.  His actions being pathetic and vulnerable causes you to faintly snicker.

   One of the most feared god displayed his vulnerable side to his subjects all through his moans and cries outside over the woman he sexually assaulted. Over the woman he traumatized severely.

   Who knew this cold god was such a hopeless romantic?

   You felt tears brimming on your eyes, threatening to fall down your skin. Even if he was vulnerable at the moment, you were most vulnerable and there was nothing you could ever do about it.

   You parted your lips, letting your voice to be heard by Poseidon. "Leave me alone, Poseidon.."

   You heard your voice crack and felt a bit cringed by it. Anyways, Poseidon could feel his heart sank to the bottom of Helheim. He heard those same words before, but this time, it felt rather different.

   Rather like you were in this situation because of him. Your voice clearly made out your distressed state due to his obsessive actions.

   There was nothing he could do, for he was unable to contain himself from hurting you. All he wanted to do was to have you in pure bliss because of him, not depressed and stressed.

   When you were in his sight, he recalls his feelings as being thrilled and provoked to do any sins to you unlike moments when you were not in his sight. It was the complete opposite.

   How come he was this person? A nuisance to her.

   Upon realizing numerous mistakes, he walked away from the room containing his poor beloved. He wouldn't dare to make her more upset.

   She needs her time for herself, he reminds himself.

   As you heard footsteps slowly fading into silence, that was then you fell. Completely sobbing out feelings you held for so long. The suffering. You cursed the sorcerer that led you here.

   "Why is it always me? Why do I get the worst luck ever..? Why can't it be someone else other than myself?"

   You bawled your tears out, not caring whether many of the workers were hearing you. You wanted to let these feelings out. They kept you from being yourself.

   As you sobbed thoroughly, you also wiped down the tears falling through your cheeks. You didn't care if you appeared as repulsive and dirty, because at the moment, you only cared about letting it go. The guilt eating you out.

   You wanted to let it go from you.

   "Why are you crying? I don't like it when you're sobbing like this." A huge shadow hovered over you as a god stood before you. Black robes draped his body.

   You averted your gaze upwards to see another one of those gods. Although, you couldn't pinpoint which one he was.

   However, you take this as a moment to examine his features.

𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨┆𝙍𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙍𝙖𝙜𝙣𝙖𝙧𝙤𝙠Where stories live. Discover now