Mr Reed really is a cun-

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I kept a close eye on my computer for any emails about Yusuf. He was in Maths which is 50/50. Depends on the moon cycle if that child stays in his seat. Either way, he behaved for his last lesson, however I did see him slouched in a chair in detention. He was talking to one of his friends so I guessed he wasn't tiny anymore.

"Why are you here?" I asked as I walked up to him.

"Mr Reed."
"I didn't do anything wrong." He added.

"I know, I haven't had chance to speak to him yet. How long have you got?"

"An hour."

"No you don't. I'll go talk to him."

Mr Reed is your average 60 year old white man. Casually racist, transphobic, homophobic and ableist. Fabulous man to work with, as you can imagine.

"Thomas. Can I talk to you about Yusuf?"

"What is it, Mr Farouk?"

"You called him dumb today, during your lesson with him. He's not dumb, he's dyslexic, which makes writing and reading a little harder for him. Can you be more mindful of that in the future?" I spoke, trying to be kind.

"He shouldn't have told me to piss off then."

"He has quite an explosive temper. Was this after you insulted him in front of twenty other children?"


"He has shown remorse for his actions, he's showed up for a detention you wrongly set for him. Can we just all forget about it?"

"He swore at a teacher."

"After that teacher insulted his intelligence."

"Are you arguing with me?"

"No, simply standing up for a twelve year old."

"He can speak for himself."

"Okay. Speaking of Yusuf, I have a meeting with his father and I think he should come sit in. Do you mind?"


"I should've been there a few minutes ago, thank you for letting me take Yusuf." I smiled as he tapped his back and gestured for him to walk with me.

"Do you?"

"No, but I'm not going to let you sit a detention you don't deserve."

"I did swear at him."

"Do you want to go back?"

"No. Thank you." Yusuf spoke quickly, rushing down the corridor.

"Hey, I can't always get you out. Please be on your best behaviour tomorrow, I don't want to get shown up." I warned him gently.

"I'll be good."

"Thank you. I hope everything is okay at home, you can always come talk to me if you need to."

"Okay." Yusuf nodded with a little smile.

God I hope that kid is alright.

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