chapter 18

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Aurora pov

Me and Philip were currently on a plane ride home from being on a trip to get my mind off the loss of my eldest daughter Anastasia which didn't work

I mean that's my daughter, that was my baby. how could I just forget her just like that.

The whole kingdom of Auroria had completely moved on and just presumed that Anastasia was dead and gone and had turned their focus to Audrey.

Aurora? Philip said bringing me out of my thoughts

Yes? I asked

What are you thinking about? Philip asked

Anastasia. I said as Philip nodded

I knew this trip wouldn't make you forget about Anastasia I just hate seeing you so sad every time Audrey's and Anastasia's birthday roll around and the day that Anastasia was taken. I just wanted to see you smile again. Philip said

I'm sorry but I can't just move on and forget my firstborn. I think about Anastasia every day and in my heart and as a mother I know for a fact that Anastasia is alive and it out there somewhere despite whatever one else says including my mother and my own daughter I said

I know what you mean and if I'm being honest I never believed that maleficent would just kill Anastasia and not leave her body for us to find. Philip said

Right. I said

Tell you what how about when we get home and after the coronation I will set up a search team and ask Ben if we can search the isle for Anastasia Philip said as I smiled for the first time in forever

Yes that would be great. Thank you. I said as me and Philip shared a kiss

Soon our plane landed in auradon airport where we were immediately greeted by Merryweather and fairy godmother which was a surprise to us

Aurora, Philip welcome back. I hope you had a lovely trip fairy godmother said

Yes we did. But what brings you two here? I wasn't informed that you guys were picking us up I said as fairy godmother and Merryweather shared a look

We need you to come to the castle with us. Something happened while you were away Merryweather said

What happened? Is Audrey ok? I asked

Audrey is fine. Merryweather said

Is it my mother? I asked

No she's fine. Merryweather said

Then what's going on?! I asked refusing to move until my question was answered

Fine I guess we are doing this here. As you both know Ben has brought five children from the isle to go to school here in Auradon Fairy godmother said

Yes we know. Audrey called us one day going on and on about a girl named McKenna being the daughter of maleficent and McKenna stealing her spot light and Ben but I really wasn't paying much attention I said

Well funny you should mention McKenna Merryweather said

What did McKenna do? Did she hurt Audrey? Philip asked

No well not yet anyway. Merryweather said as fairy godmother shot her a look before telling us about McKenna's birth mark and the fact that she was wearing the same necklace as Anastasia

Wait...are you saying that McKenna is Anastasia and that maleficent raised her as her own? I asked feeling the tears from in my eyes

Yes and we have DNA proof that she's your daughter fairy godmother said handing us the folder

As i looked at the folder and saw that it was a DNA match I immediately started crying. My little girl was alive and was here

I can't believe it after all theses years Philip said with tears in his eyes long did you know about this I asked as fairy godmother explained that they knew about five days ago and that they had called our castle but when had already left and that my mother knew

What?!? My mother KNEW!? We just talked to her yesterday and she didn't say anything about Anastasia being found I said as my joy soon turned into anger

How about we continue this discussion on the way to your castle since the coronation will be starting in a few hours fairy godmother said

On the ride to the castle Merryweather was quick to inform us as to why my mother failed to inform us and also told us that Audrey knew as well. And  fairy godmother also informed us  about what happened at family day and what my mother had said to provoke Anastasia and let's just say we weren't happy with my mother or Audrey

How could they be so heartless?!? It didn't matter if Anastasia was raised by maleficent that didn't make her evil. Evil isn't born it's made (if anyone recognizes this quote comment down below) Anastasia is still our daughter and we love her more then anything I said

We know and I can't wait to see the happy reunion at the coronation Merryweather said

Me neither I said

Hey guys I hope you like this chapter comment down below or pm me what you guys would like to happen next.


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