Part 1: Mafia in tha house

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“Ugh I hate those meetings,” I said as I fell down on the couch in my penthouse.

“What? Don’t you like to be the mean mafia boss that you are?” Jackie teased. She knows I hate those stupid meetings. All that we talk about is money and other boring stuff. Even though I’m the boss, I’m just 18 and I have to wear a suit and act mature in front of all the fraction heads. They’re like fourty or fifty, so they’re old.

It’s not that being the mafia boss hasn’t got his good sides. I’ve got a big house, a penthouse and at least 20 cars and those cars are not cheap either.

“Hey, Evan, you there?” Jackie asked with a frown while she snapped her fingers in front of my face.

“Uh… what?” I asked dumbly, I must have zoned out longer than I thought.

“You didn’t hear anything I said, did you?” she asked impatiently.

“Maybe…?” She sighed

“What I was saying, want to go clubbing tonight?”

“Sure, why not. Are the others going too?” I asked.

“Adam and Eve are, but I don’t know about Blair”

Adam has been my best friend for ages, I can’t even remember for how long. He’s crazy, totally insane, but you have to be in this business. He’s amazing at pulling pranks. One time he put chili pepper powder on all the doorknobs in school so everyone got it on their hands and they were crying when they rubbed it in their eyes. I’m glad I didn’t get that stuff on my hands. Thing is, he doesn’t get caught, ever. He’s got half long brown hair and grey eyes.

Eve is his girlfriend. Adam and Eve, sounds nice right? Her name isn’t really Eve but Esmeralda Victoria Eliza Hart. That’s way too long, so Eve for short. She’s a funny girl. Kind of short with long auburn hair, that hangs in curls. She has piercing blue eyes. She looks delicate, but looks can be deceiving. She’s one hell of a fighter and you don’t want to get her mad. If you do, you’d better run, ‘cuz if you don’t you’ll be walking away with more than some broken bones. Heck, count yourself lucky if you can still walk.

Blair’s a bit, how do you say that, off. I met him some years ago in an alley. He was on the verge of dying. He had 3 broken ribs, a broken arm, leg and multiple stab wounds. I took him with me (yeah like a lost puppy) and so I saved his life. He never talks about the life he had before he met us, but I trust him and he is one of my closest friends.  He got a nasty scar the night I found him, his whole face was covered in blood. But it healed, it only left a scar that runs from his eyebrow over his eye to his chin. He covers that part of his face with his black hair.

And then there’s Jacqueline. She hates that name though, so most people call her Jack or Jackie. There aren’t enough words to describe her. But I’ll try. She’s the most amazing person in the whole universe. With her long, wavy brown hair and mischievous brown eyes, slim waist and long legs. She’s amazing with a gun, but likes hand-to-hand combat better. As far as I know she’s never lost a fight, but we’re evenly matched. She’s just perfect and I’m a lucky man to be able to call her my woman.

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