Part 3: Soaked pirates

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Do you know how much I hate dentists? No? Just so you know I really do. I don't actually hate the dentist himself but that big needle and drill. Yuck. I had to go to the dentist yesterday and it hurt like hell when the anesthesia had worn off. (I had managed to get my jaw dislocated :(

But whatever here's part three

hope you like it :D


We finally got into the club and went to the VIP-lounge. Adam and Eve were already there. “Hey guys, you’re late,” Eve greeted us.

“Not my fault,” I mumbled.

“Yup yup, all Bruce’s fault,” Jackie said laughing.

“Bruce?” asked Adam and Eve at the same time.

“Yeah, the idiot bouncer that wouldn’t let us through,” I said and sat down on the couch, crossing my arms.

“Eh? Wasn’t Pedro there?” asked Eve, "He was there when we arrived here."

“Nope, only later, but first we had to deal with Bruce,” Jackie said popping the ‘p’.

“I think he’s dumber than a stone,” I said and shrugged.

“Hey that’s mean. Sure he's not smart, but this is probably the only job he can get with his appearance,” Jackie defended the idiot.

“Sorry Jackie, I didn’t mean to hurt the stone’s feelings.” I said smirking. She rolled her eyes and smacked my head.

“You might not want to do that, ‘cuz you might kill the little brain cells he has left,” Adam said with a stupid grin on his face. I could always count on him to make me feel like an idiot.

“At least I have some brain cells, what can’t be said of you,” I said while glaring at him. He's hit his head so many times, it’s a wonder he’s still sane. Okay maybe he’s not, but he’s still acting like a human being.

Not all the time, though. I fed him dog biscuits once and he acted like a dog for a week. I learned my lesson: I'll never feed that idiot dog biscuits again!

“I don’t have to worry about losing them then. Bring on the booze!” He grabbed the bottle of vodka, brought it to his lips and took a big gulp. We all passed the bottle on to each other and when it was empty we got another one, and another. By 2am we were totally wasted.

“Aargh. This is horrible! My worst nightmare come true!” I screamed out.

“What isssss?” Adam slurred. “You!, there are 5 of you. As if one isn’t enough!” I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air in frustration. I was too far gone to notice that it was due to the alcohol.

 One Adam could make a whole army of pro wrestlers scream for their mommies. Imagine what damage 5 Adams could do. I shuddered at the thought.

“You’re soooooooooooooo wasted” Jackie giggled.

“Yo ho gimme the rum.” Adam sang. He’d taken the scarf from his neck and tied it around his head like a pirate.

“Dude, we’re the mafia, no fricking pirates,” I said smirking at him.

“Shut your trap landlubberrrrrr,” Eve joined in, “Or you’ll have to walk the plank.”

“Walk the plank, walk the plank. Hihi that rhymes.” Jackie said in a singsong voice.

“No it doesn’t.” I know I’m drunk but even a deaf man could hear it didn’t.

“It does!”

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