Part 4: School and its miseries

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Hello there people. I'm so sorry about not posting for over a week. But those stupid teachers are driving me crazy. I had three tests today. Yes you heard right THREE!! and it was far from little work. And this has been going on for about two weeks now. :(

Lame excuses I know, but please forgive me. Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase ?? ^^ I'm begging you on my knees. Still not forgiving me? :(

Then there's only one thing left to do...



if you don't forgive me you won't get a cookie. I'll eat them all by myself and I'll get fat. You don't want that do you??

O yeah and I now offically hate crows, I thought they were cool birds, but I changed my opinion. That stupid bird makes a lot of noice at 5 am for god's sake. Normal people are asleep at that time. And I really need my sleep, because without enought sleep I'll get cranky. Bet you didn't notice that, did you ? :p

I'll get a gun and shoot that thing's head off. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArgh

I think I've annoyed you enough..

for now :P

so here's part 4

enjoy !!!


I awoke with a killer headache. I’m an idiot, I shouldn’t have drunk so much last night. I looked at my alarm clock and realized that it was almost midday. School started hours ago. I couldn’t even count the times I’ve been late to school anymore. Not that I hate school or something, I just think that it’s a waste of time. I know most of the things already anyway, so why should I go. Yeah I’m smart and I like to read, so what? I get good grades so the teachers don’t really mind if I attend class or not, I think they preferred I didn’t. Class is way more interesting when I’m around you know?

I got out of my bed and took a shower. Trying to ease my headache. Sadly, it failed.

I got to the kitchen and saw a note lying on the kitchen table.

‘Gone to school, didn’t want to wake you up, see you there.

<3 Jackie’

 I opened the fridge to look for some easy breakfast. I was way too lazy to make anything decent. The thing was almost empty, I should go shopping. I didn’t really want anything, but I can’t function properly on an empty stomach. I took some Red Bull and an apple. I didn’t take any aspirin. I don’t like drugs at all, doesn’t matter what type. It gives me the feeling that I’m dependent on them.

Our family doesn’t deal in drugs because of that. It would probably earn much, but I wouldn’t like to be responsible for messing up someone’s life. Weapons is another story. You won’t survive in this live if you don’t know how to use a gun, knife or some martial arts. And this is only underworld business. Unlike drugs, where normal citizens are also involved.

 The school was only a few blocks away, so I decided to walk. I could have driven my car, but there probably wasn’t a parking spot left. The parking lot at our school is small, really, really small. And maybe some fresh air would help me ease that headache.

I grabbed my jacket, backpack and my apple. (I’d already finished my Red Bull). I closed the door behind me and got on my way, while whistling the Phineas and Ferb theme song. Perry is just amazing, I want a platypus. Dr Doofenshmirtz is just so funny and he should learn that the bad guys never win. Like I’m the one to talk, but who cares?

I threw the apple core over a fence and heard a loud ‘ouch’. Guess somebody didn’t like my healthy breakfast. Luckily nobody was there to see it, because nobody in his right mind would take a walk here at this time of the day. Not that it was a bad neighbourhood, just the opposite. It was the most expensive part of town, with a lot of offices and hotels right next to the boulevard. It’s just that everybody was at work or still sleeping.

I looked at my phone and saw that I still had five minutes before the bell would ring, signalling the end of the lunch break. So I just sat under a tree watching my peers. It’s kind of funny to watch them. The girls are desperate, they could just as well be naked, because their clothes don't leave much to the imagination. The funniest thing is that they try to look seductive, but end up looking constipated. And they look like frigging carrots. I don’t see Bugs Bunny anywhere, do you?

You might think that because I’m a guy, I would love this. But I’d rather do an inflatable doll than those plastic barbies.

Luckily not all girls are like that. That reminded me of Jackie, she should be around here somewhere. I was too lazy to go look for her, I’d see her in class anyway. So I just sat there until the bell rang.

I lazily got up and went to class. Everybody was already there. ‘Morning sleepyhead’ Jackie said smiling as I sat next to her. ‘Morning babe, did I miss anything?”

“Not much, just the usual. Mrs Cage went mental, Brittany almost fainted when she broke her nail and Connor got caught smoking.’

Yup that sounded like the usual. Cage, aka The Frog, went mental on a daily basis. And when she did she jumped up and down and her eyes would bulge out of her head. Now, do you get why everyone calls her The Frog?

Brittany is a typical girly girl, but don’t think she’s innocent. She’s head cheerleader and a fulltime bitch. The only things she cares about are money, her reputation, appearance and boys. And as you expect of the head cheerleader, she’s dating the quarterback of the football team. Which is Connor. I know we were joking about having no brain cells last night but he’s the living example of stupidity.Even a monkey knows that a sportsman shouldn’t smoke, but he still did it. The idiot.

Jackie tried to hide a yawn, but failed miserably. I chuckled and I got a glare as response.

“You’d be tired too if you had less than 2 hours of sleep.” she said while yawning again.

“Yes, but an angel decided to let me sleep a bit more. She should have stayed in bed with me.” I smiled at her.

I thought it was sweet, but Jackie obviously didn’t because she just rolled her eyes at me. So much for complementing her.

“I wanted to, but I had to hand in a assignment first period and I already skipped 2 times this week to go shopping with Eve.”

She sure liked spending my money. She has so many clothes that I almost had to buy another apartment for them. Luckily she ruins so many clothes that the number of clothes shrinks almost as fast as it grows. She fights a lot and while she’s at it she breaks a lot of noses. And blood doesn’t get out of your clothes easily.

Sometimes I have the feeling that I’m her own personal mannequin. I have my own style and stuff, but she still chooses my clothes. Not that I mind, it saves me the trouble. Whatever makes her happy.

Finally the final bell rang. Finally I could get out of this hellhole. I was stuffing my stuff in my locker when my phone rang. It was Blair.

“Hey, what’s up?” I asked cheerfully.

“Hey dude, you know there’s a meeting today right?”

Damn, I had totally forgotten about that.

Thanks Blair for ruining my good mood.

“I’d forgotten, but thanks for reminding me.” I said with a sigh.

I could hear Blair chuckling through the phone. Yeah, laugh, laugh with my misery you bastard. Never laugh at people’s misery dude. The karma-army’s recruiting and they’ll gonna get you, I swear.

I didn’t realize that I’d said this aloud, but I apparently did, because Blair burst out laughing.

“Man up Evan, it’s only an hour or so. You’ve been through worse.” I could hear that Blair was still trying to stop his laughter. I don’t understand how he could stand those meetings.

He had to be there too, since he was the head of the defence. He trains the newbies, organises the security around the headquarters and stuff like that.

“Whatever, see you there.” I mumbled before I hung up. I sighed and decided that I’d better get going. The sooner I’d be there, the sooner I’d get to go home.


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<3 Mitchie

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