Part 5: downtown action

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Heya people I updated again. Sorry that it took so long, I'd make up an amazing excuse if I could think of one, but I can't so you just have to be sattisfied with my sincere appologies.

The chapter's a bit longer than the others I hope.



I went back to the penthouse first, to change in a stupid suit. Did I mention that I hate suits? They’re way too hot for this weather and they’re everything except comfortable.

After I changed I got in my car and went to the headquarters. If you were expecting some high-tech building you were wrong. The headquarters looked more like a mansion. Mainly, because a lot of members of the family lived there. This made it easy to protect. It also made it a lot easier to call people together for a meeting.

You had to go through a big iron gate and take the long driveway before you got to it. In front it stood a big fountain. The house itself was big and white with five steps to the big wooden front door. The security, though, was really high-tech. There were camera’s everywhere. Some in sight, but also hidden ones. Heat-sensors and motion-sensors. We even had people patrolling with dogs.

No one would be able to enter unnoticed. Intruders would be captured and brought to the interrogation room in the basement. The basement also contained a gym, gunroom and many more.

The front door opened and there stood Blair with a smirk on his face. "I already thought that you wouldn't show up." He said taunting.

"Whatever, let's get this over with." I said ignoring his comment as I walked by him toward the conference room. All the fraction heads had to be present at the meeting as well as the boss, me. Our organization is way too big to be ruled by one person, that's why it's split up in different fractions. At the head of the fraction stood one person who had to report to me, the so called fraction head. There were 12 fraction heads, if you included me 13. The fraction heads had to report to me at least once a week. This happened in a meeting at the headquarters. The meeting that was held right know was one of those meetings.

Everybody went silent when  I walked through the door. They were already seated in big leather office chairs around a big oval table,  except for Blair and me of course.

Blair took his seat and I stood in front of mine with my hands resting on the table. "Good afternoon." I said and looked at all the fraction heads.

Everyone got up and replied with a 'good afternoon boss'. It still felt weird to me how they always talked to me with respect. They were much older and wiser than me, but I was still their boss. At first they doubted my competence as boss, but I proved my worth and after a while they all respected me and followed me willingly.

"Lets not delay the discussion of the important matters and start this meeting." I said in a serious tone and sat down in my chair. With these words the meeting started and everybody sat down after me.

"Julian, what are the matters that should be discussed?" I asked a man in his late forties. He was very fit, with big muscular arms, since he trained daily.

"Local street gangs have been wreaking havoc, they think that they can ignore the rules set by us and they endanger the lives of the citizens. People have been injured already and some even died, this has to stop!" he said agitated. I saw other people nodding in agreement.

This was serious. Not that those inexperienced street urchins could ever overrule us. But it was still a serious crime  to ignore our laws and to think that they were superior to us. Our family was of great importance, we make the rules and everyone has to abide to them, that's how we keep the peace. Even the police can't do anything about it, they need us or this country will be overruled by gangs and nobody would be safe. This is how important we are.

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