Part 6: I'll kill you for hurting my baby

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Aloha people, it's been a while and I'm really sorry for that :s

I had this chapter almost finished for a while, but I didn't think it was done yet, so it took some time to finish it. I'm still not happy with the result but it'll do I guess :p


hope you like this chapter and please don't forget to vote, comment, fan and whatever you want :D



I looked to my right and saw that Blair had knocked out 2 others, I wasn’t about to let him win, so I grabbed two other kids and banged their heads together. I’ve always wanted to do that, just like in the movies. They slumped to the floor and hit it with a small thud.

Slowly more and more kids got knocked out until it was just Blair, me, the familiar kid and some of his followers.

I smiled at Blair and he grinned back. The ones that were knocked out were obviously not on their side, because they were way too weak. This kid was a lot more experienced and so were his followers. This would be fun.

They looked at their leader and he nodded. They attacked all at once.

This made it hard to dodge all of their attacks but blocking would do too. Blair and I were used to much more. We both could take 20 of them on our own, but they were only with 8.

It was harder to knock them out than it was with the others, but it was still rather easy. Three were already knocked out and Blair nodded at me. He could handle it alone. I advanced to their leader. Immediately two others fell back and stood in front of their leader. You could see that they had great respect for him.

I smiled and blocked their punches. They were pretty powerful punches too. The two attacked me from the sides and the leader came from the front. I couldn’t block all three of their attacks and I had to take a step back. I ducked and with a swipe of my leg two of them lay on the ground. They recovered quickly, but not fast enough. I kicked one of them in the guts and he stumbled back.

I didn’t waste time and hit the other on his head. He slumped to the ground. The other one advanced at me again, but I wouldn’t let him and knocked him unconscious with a swift punch to the head. One left to go. I blocked the leaders kick and he dodged my punch.

“You’re pretty good.”, I said with a smile when I evaded one of his other punches.

“You’re not so bad yourself”, he panted, while I wasn’t even beginning to tyre.

“Who do you work for.”, I asked him after I threw him another punch which he dodged.

“None of your business, who do you work for?”, He asked in turn.

I laughed. “I work for me, myself and I. Who are those losers on the ground?” I said, quickly motioning to the amateurs on the ground.

This was just like in the movies. Asking questions while fighting and you were almost out of breath. He was the one out of breath in this case, I had a lot of stamina.

He snorted. “They? They’re the idiots that try to defy the mafia. You’ve got to be a lot better if you want to stand a chance. Idiots.” I Laughed again, they wouldn’t stand a chance if this was the best they got. See Maurice, nothing to worry about.

He blocked one of my other kicks and stumbled a bit, but he recovered quickly.

“Wait, you’re on the Mafia's side?” I asked baffled, I didn’t expect that. First of all we don’t move in gangs. We only do planned operations. And second they were too young to be part of the official operations.

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