Chapter Thirty-Three

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I watched as Jace tried continuing to escape. It didn't matter if he got passed the cage, the boundary spell was still up. Unfortunately, my silent spell is not.

"What's the time limit for that spell?" Simon asked me.

"Depending on how much energy I have, it depends. The longest I have kept it up was half a day." I told him.

"It's no use trying to escape. The trap you're in was designed to hold a Greater Demon." Isabelle told him

"Well, that's not very nice, trapping your brother in a box." Jace told her

"You're not our brother. And don't get too comfortable 'cause we're gonna bring him back." Alexander told him

"You and your undying love for your parabatai. I hate to burst your bubble, but when I was sent to your family in Idris, I was a desperate kid." Jace told him as Magnus walked in

"Ignore him-" I said at the same time as Magnus had spoken "Pay no mind to him, Alexxander."

"The only reason I became your parabatai was to make sure there was a roof over my head." He continued taunting him.

"That's not true. Isabelle, Max, mom, dad, and you are my family. The Lightwoods." Jace said.

"And you're our family. You're a Lightwood." Isabelle told him.

"He's just trying to get under your skin." Magnus told him

"Or maybe... I just prefer not to coddle your latest soldier boyfriend." Jace said getting in front of Magnus.

"How about you shut your mouth before I spell it again." I told him.

"Don't go acting all high and mighty, Stella. You're the worst of the worst." He told me.

"What's he mean?" Clary asked.

"Darling, your words have no effect on me. But do try, it'll be entertaining for me to bring you down a notch." I told him with a drink in my hand. Before he could reply Simon and Luke entered the loft.

"I love when you're confident." Magnus said.

I smiled at him.

"We got your call. Any news about Clary?" Luke asked

"You almost killed her! She gave herself up to the Clave trying to protect you!" Simon told Jace

"Still jealous she picked me over you, huh? By the way, that kiss at the Seelie Court... we never got to compare notes." Jace told him

"Let me in there! I'll throw you off a building!" Simon yelled hitting the cage.

"Come on! Come on, Simon." Luke said taking him away.

"Go on ahead. I'll watch Jace. His words seem to be affecting y'all more than me." I told them.

"No kidding." I said.

They nodded following the guys into Magnus office.

"Always the protector. You know my master told me something about you. She told me they called you, the η μάγισσα της παραφροσύνης." He told me

"What does that mean?" Luke asked.

"Back in the day, when I was gaining control over my powers, I was called many things. One of the most common being known as the 'Scarlet Witch', but I had another known one. 'The Witch of Insanity'," I told them.

"Why?" Alexander asked me.

"My Chaos magic is a very rare form of magic. The power allows me to wield it and make people go crazy and relive their worst fears, hence the name." I explained.

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