Chapter Twenty-four

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Magnus, Luke, and I all appear in the Seelie realm.

"Milady, I now present to you Magnus Bane, Stella Diamandis, and Lucian Graymark." A seelie introduced us

I watched as the boys bowed, I did not, however. I just nodded my head.

"She's a child," Clary said.

"Don't be fooled. She's as old as me." I told her.

"So, the Clave lied, and Valentine has the sword. Is anyone surprised?" The queen asked us

"Milady. We agree that it's time to take charge of our destiny. We've come to accept your offer to unite the Downworld to hunt Valentine." Magnus told her

"Good. But we do it our way. No more playing by the Clave's rules." She told us

"With all due respect your highness, we didn't come here to start a war with the Shadowhunters." Luke told her

"The Shadowhunters want us dead. You think it's an accident they lost Valentine?" She told us

"I don't trust the Clave, but I trust Clary. She told me that she and Jace recovered the Mortal mirror to protect the Downworld from Valentine." Luke explained

"Your love for the Shadowhunters weakens you. That's why your pack has lost so many wolves." The queen told him

"My pack's losses are because of Valentine." Luke told her

"After the lies your boyfriend told y'all surely y'all are on my side." The queen told Magnus and I

I had to think. I turned towards Magnus at the same time as Luke.

"Magnus, Stella, we came here to stop Valentine, not make new enemies by breaking the Accords." Luke told us

"Don't let your crush get in the way of protecting your people." She told us

"We beg your patience, your Grace, but breaking our allegiance to the Shadowhunters is a... step that requires consideration." I told her

"Decide quickly." she said grabbing a flower from behind her "Once all the petal on this rose turn black...your time is up. And remember those who don't come to my side... will be on the losing side." She warned us, putting the flower on Magnus.

"Would y'all really side with her?" Jace asked.

"I don't know." I said.

"Milady" Magnus bid goodbye on our behalf as we walked away from her.

"Luke do you want me to open a portal for you?" I asked him

"No, I have my car parked nearby, but thanks." He said walking away

"What are you thinking?" I asked Magnus

"Do you think we should take the offer?" He asked me

"Let's see what tomorrow brings us and we can decide then." I told him

we went home and stared at the rose, thinking of the pros and cons, until my phone rang, showing angel... aka Alec.

"You have a nickname for him on your phone." Isabelle said.

I ignored it, thinking of a time we were all happy.

Us all snuggled in bed, for once, without any demons appearing. But then the memory disappeared, and I appeared in real time.

As I sat on the couch, I remembered memories of Magnus, Alec, and I all together.

I was kissing Alec's chest while he kissed Magnus, before Magnus pulled away.

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