Chapter 7

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Jai Shree Krishna

Chapter 7

Kavish sat at his cubicle, engrossed in his work, a faint smile playing on his lips. His mind wandered to the morning moments he had shared with Jhilmil, her infectious laughter echoing in his ears. The sweet memories brought a wave of happiness that couldn't be contained.

His co-worker, Rahul, noticed the subtle shift in Kavish's demeanour and couldn't resist teasing him. He leaned over and whispered, "Hey Kavish, what's got you grinning like a love-struck teenager?"

Kavish chuckled, his eyes still filled with the remnants of his blissful thoughts. "Oh, it's nothing," he replied, trying to suppress his smile but failing miserably.

Rahul raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Come on, spill the beans. Is that a newly weds glow ?"

Kavish couldn't help but play along, realising that his co-workers had caught on to his joyous state. He leaned closer, his voice barely above a whisper. "Well, you see, my wife, Jhilmil, is just amazing. She has this incredible ability to make every moment special."

Curiosity piqued, another co-worker, Priya, joined in, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Tell us more, Kavish. What did Jhilmil do to put that smile on your face?"

Kavish's smile widened as he reminisced about Jhilmil's playful antics. “Well, she brings me peace and happiness just with a small smile of hers. She is unapologetically herself always. She is beautiful inside out.”

Priya couldn't contain her excitement. "That's adorable! It sounds like you two have an amazing bond."

Kavish nodded, his eyes sparkling with affection. "We really do. Jhilmil has this way of making even the simplest moments extraordinary. Whether it's through a loving gesture, a heartfelt conversation, or just being her wonderful self, she fills my life with joy."

Rahul nudged Kavish with a playful smirk. "Looks like you've found your perfect match, Kavish. You're lucky to have someone who brightens your day like that."

The teasing and laughter continued, with Kavish's co-workers playfully teasing him about his newfound happiness. But deep down, Kavish knew that their words held a hint of envy, for they could see the genuine love and affection that radiated from him.

As Kavish returned to his work, his smile lingered, a constant reminder of the love he shared with Jhilmil.

And in the midst of their playful banter, Kavish silently thanked fate for bringing Jhilmil into his life, for she was the reason his heart overflowed with love and his days were filled with endless happiness.

Rahul, his co-worker, couldn't help but notice the genuine happiness radiating from Kavish. He felt a pang of envy as he glimpsed into Kavish's seemingly perfect world.

Battling his own personal struggles, Rahul's thoughts wandered to his own troubled relationship. The pain of betrayal cut deep as he remembered the heartbreak his wife had inflicted upon him. He had been a pillar of support for her, helping her complete her studies and standing by her side as she pursued her career. But it was all shattered when she chose to cheat on him with a colleague, tearing their once-loving relationship apart.

As Rahul glanced at Kavish, his heart ached for the innocence and joy he saw reflected in his co-worker's eyes. It served as a stark contrast to the pain he carried within his own heart. The envy grew stronger, fueled by the bitterness of his own experiences.

Rahul, a single father to a five-year-old, had become all too familiar with the challenges of raising a child alone. The weight of responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders, making it difficult for him to find solace in the midst of his shattered trust.

He yearned for the happiness Kavish seemed to effortlessly possess. The thought of having a partner who would bring light and joy into his life tugged at his heart, reminding him of the love he had lost.

But amidst the envy and longing, there was a glimmer of hope within Rahul. He watched as Kavish carried himself with grace and kindness, realizing that not all relationships were destined to end in heartbreak. Perhaps, in time, he too would find someone who would restore his faith in love and heal the wounds of the past.

With a heavy sigh, Rahul focused on his work, determined to persevere through the challenges that life had thrown his way. He knew that healing would take time, but he held onto the belief that someday, he would find a love that would make his heart soar once more.

As he glanced at Kavish once more, Rahul silently wished him well, acknowledging the beauty of his seemingly blissful marriage. And as he navigated the complexities of his own journey, he held onto the hope that one day, he would find his own version of happiness, free from the pain of betrayal, and filled with a love that would mend his wounded heart.

Jhilmil's eyes sparkled with excitement as she entered their bedroom, holding her phone in her hand. Kavish looked up from the book he was reading, curious about her cheerful demeanor.

"Guess what?" Jhilmil exclaimed, a mischievous grin spreading across her face.

"What's the big news, Jhilmil?" Kavish asked, raising an eyebrow, intrigued by her excitement.

"My uncle has invited us for dinner tomorrow night," she said, waving the paper in her hand. "He wants to meet you and have a hilarious evening together."

Kavish's eyes widened in surprise. "Hilarious evening? Is he a stand-up comedian? As far as I know, he is not."

Jhilmil giggled, shaking her head. "No, no, he just has a fantastic sense of humour. He's the life of every party!"

Kavish's curiosity was piqued. "Well, I'm definitely looking forward to the evening. I could use some laughter in my life!"

As night fell, exhaustion enveloped them, and they both settled into bed. Jhilmil, lost in a deep slumber, started tossing and turning, unintentionally flinging a leg over Kavish's nether region.

A sudden surge of pain shot through Kavish's body, causing him to jolt upright with a yelp. He clutched his sensitive area, his face contorted in a comical expression of agony.

Jhilmil, startled by the commotion she had unintentionally caused, abruptly woke up. Wide-eyed, she gasped, seeing Kavish's pained expression. "Oh no! Ki holo, (what happened)? Are you alright?"

Kavish winced, trying to ease the discomfort. "I'm... I'm fine. Just a minor... uh, accident."

Jhilmil's eyes widened further, her hand flying to her mouth in horror. "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to attack you in your most vulnerable area! It was a sleeping martial arts move gone wrong!"

Kavish couldn't help but chuckle at her dramatic explanation, the pain subsiding as laughter overtook him. "It's alright, Jhilmil. Accidents happen, even in bed. But next time, let's try to keep the martial arts moves out of our sleep."

She blushed, a mixture of guilt and amusement on her face. "I promise to be more careful Maa Kaali er dibbi( I swear on Goddess Kali). No more accidental attacks from me!"

They both dissolved into laughter, their earlier discomfort forgotten. Kavish pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her. "You always manage to keep life interesting, Jhilmil. I wouldn't have it any other way."

Jhilmil grinned mischievously. "Well, get ready for more adventures, Mr Husband. With me around, there's never a dull moment!"

And as they snuggled back under the covers, their laughter filled the room, intertwining with the love and joy that defined their relationship. Together, they embraced the unexpected and found humor in the quirks of life, knowing that their love could weather any hilarious mishap that came their way.

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