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     The Business Woman of  the Year goes to Ms. Aaradhya Krishnan. The host voice boomed through the speakers.

An elegantly dressed 5.9" tall, lean and well physiqued woman walked gracefully onto the stage with a confident smile.

Aaradhya or Aara, as everyone close to her call her, has a charming smile, but only she knows how fake it is. It was almost four years since she smiled or laughed heartily.

If you want to be taken seriously, you have to be harsh, heartless and merciless. She learned it hardway.

She once was a very bubbly girl, laughing and jovial, friendly and charming. But that girl was no more. Life hit her hard making her realise how selfish and cruel the world is.

So she buried that innocent girl deep inside her.

She became ruthless. After finishing her MBA, she took over Krishnan, her father's company, Beautique, a cosmetic company.

They manufacture a varied variety of cosmetic products and one of the leading and high grossing companies.

We call upon to the stage, our honourable Governor to present the award.


"I am so proud of you my dear" Krishnan said with misty eyes embracing Aara in a fatherly hug.

He was proud of her. She has grown so much since the day she joined the company.

It's just two years since she took over as CEO and she has showed remarkable growth in company's profits.

She proved herself to be worthy of ruling his empire that he has built with passion. He couldn't be anymore prouder.

"Come let's meet our friends. They are eagerly waiting for you," he said still with that proud smile, dragging her to a table where few people were seated.

They were up seeing them approach, all of them having proud smiles on their faces.

"So proud of you Aara. You made all of us proud today." Vishwanathan, ex CEO of La femme, the top most cosmetics company in the country, and best friend of Krishna, said patting her head lovingly.

"Thank you uncle." Aara said with a small smile.

"Proud of you darling. And you look lovely." Anuradha, Vishwanath's wife said kissing her cheek.

"Thank you aunty. You too look beautiful." She said smiling at the motherly figure that's very dear to her.

Aaradhya was very uncomfortable with the compliments and also with some else's presence. 

Siddharth Vishwanathan, son of Vishwanathan and Anuradha, CEO of La femme, was looking at her with a piercing gaze, proud of her achievements and the woman she had become into.

But she was no more the joyous girl she used to be few years ago.

And the reason was him. He knew that very well and regrets it deeply.

"Congratulations." He said offering his hand for a hand shake. He knew very well that she hates him and won't be happy of touching him.

But he yearned for her touch. It was tortuous to live a life where you know that the love of your life hates you.

Since they were surrounded by people, she couldn't avoid him completely.

With a tight lipped smile she took his hand for a brief hand shake.

"Excuse me, I need to meet few people. You guys carry on." She said to them and went to the bar counter to have a drink to control her racing heart.

It's been 4 years. 4 fucking years and still he manages to cause goosebumps with his mere touch. Her heart still flutters in his presence. Her mind still remembers every minute detail about him. Her soul still yearns for him.

But she didn't want to give into the feelings this so called love creats. She didn't want to feel the pain of rejection or taking for granted again.


"Well well well. Look who got the award." Vishal Malhotra, CEO of Curls and Clicks (C&C), hair care products manufacturing company, said coming to her.

He is the son of Vijay Malhotra, who is still incharge of C&C for most part. Main decisions go through him, irrespective of who the CEO is.

He plans to merge with Beautique by marrying off his son Vishal to Aaradhya.

But Aaradhya is not someone who can be threatened easily. She didn't reach this position by being a submissive woman.

Vishal sat next to her with a smirk and took the glass she was drinking. "You look hot btw." He said sipping from her glass.

Ignoring him she slid down from the bar stool to move away from him. But he caught her hand before she could distant herself from him.

"Where are going? It's just so hard to control when you look like this. I am so eagerly waiting for our marriage, so I could have you the way I want." He said pulling her towards him.

"I suggest you remove your hand off me. I am warning you" She glared wiggling her hand free. It just made him to tighten the grip.

"You are hurting me. Leave my hand you bastard." She said through gritted teeth, trying not to hiss from the pain. She was trying desparately not to create a scene.

Suddenly Vishal was pushed back. Sid was holding him by his collar almost lifting him off the ground. There was a deathly glare on his face that made Vishal almost shiver in fear.

"That's not how you treat a lady you bastard. If you want all your body parts intact I suggest you learn to behave and keep your hand to yourself." He said in a deadly calm voice.

"Leave me you fucker" Vishal said trying to get loose from Sid's hold.

By this time they started to gain people's attention. Still Siddharth is not in mood of leaving him.

"Siddharth you are creating a scene. People are watching. Leave him" Aara said trying to gain his attention.

He didn't budge. All he wanted to was break Vishal's hand of his body that touched his love.

"Siddu please." She pleaded. She was exhausted of already circulating rumours and she didn't want to feed the media with any more of the drama.

That name, being called Siddu by her after 4 years, brought him out of his anger.

She always used to call him Siddu. Only she was allowed to call him like that. How much he missed hearing her call like that.!

Giving an awkward smile to everyone, Aara walked out of there. She needed some fresh air to clear her brain.

While she was standing in the veranda over looking a garden lost in thoughts, someone draped a shawl around her bare shoulders.

Turning around she saw Sid looking at her with concern.

She jerked away from him, removing the shawl from her angrily, she threw it to him.

"Stop acting like you care around people. I don't need your help or your interference in my matters." She spoke harshly.

"He was man handling you.! Don't expect me to sit silently when that bastard was touching you." He said his eyes blazing with anger with the thought of how Vishal treated her a few minutes ago.

"That's none of your business. Why do you care? You made it very clear that you have nothing to do with me. Why now?" She asked angrily.

He marched towards her, holding her by her waist, he pulled her, making her collide with his chest.

She gasped surprised by his sudden action, making her eyes go wide in shock.

"You are mine. Remember that. I made a mistake and I regret it every fucking day. I am not going to repeat the same mistake again. No matter what You. Are. Mine. I won't spare anyone who touches what's mine." Sid spoke tucking a few loose tendrils behind her ear.

Her eyes blazed with anger.

"Don't you dare come near me. I am not some toy to claim possession. Go to your girlfriend." She pushed him away and walked out of there.

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