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I woke up to voices talking seriously. Sound of beeping turned my attention to me.

Then I remembered yesterday's situation. Worriedly I touched my belly, to know if my babies were safe.

I sighed in relief when I felt my bump.

"What the hell is happening in the company for you both to be this stressed out." Naina demanded.

Deepak and Sid were sitting on the couch leaned to the front with their heads in their palms, hands propped up on their knees.

"Answer me!" She almost yelled when they didn't speak.

Finally Sanjay explained the chaos that's happening in the company.

She gasped and immediately held her head as if getting dizzy.

"Naina!" I said worried trying to get up.

Harsha held her before she could fall.

My shouting caught their attention.

Deepak picked Naina who was unconscious, laid on the couch while Harsha went to call the doctor.

Sid and Sanjay rushed to me.

"Sanjay call the doctor." He said as they neared me. Nodding his head Sanjay left leaving me with Sid.

"How do you feel now?" He asked slowly not meeting my eyes.

I nodded my headed in response.

"Hello Aaradhya. How are you now?" Dr Shruthi asked checking my vitals.

"How are my babies doctor?" I asked my eyes getting misty.

"They are perfectly fine Aara and so are you. Nothing to worry." She said softly.

"Do you feel any discomfort any where?"

"No. I am just feeling weak." I said adjusting myself.

Sid rushed to me, placing a pillow to my back.

"It's ok. It will get better." She said smiling.

"You won't be needing these drops any more." She said indicating to the tubes connected to my hands. "I will let the nurse remove them, so you can rest freely."


I was left alone with Sid after doctor left.

I didn't know what to speak or how to react in his presence.

I knew he said all those things in stress. If he was really that cruel person, he wouldn't have taken care of me all these days.

But the emotional part of me is too hurt.

"Do you want to eat anything?" He asked slowly making me take a deep breath, my body becoming stiff.

He was immediately by side, holding my hands.

"Minnie I am so sorry. Please I didn't mean any of that." He said his eyes becoming misty.

"Too much is going on in the office and I showed that frustration on you."

"I am not defending myself. What I did was wrong. That was a terrible mistake."

"I don't deserve your forgiveness, but please forgive me." He said his eyes full of tears.

It's rare to see him this emotional. When I didn't reply he continued.

"Please Minnie. Give me one last chance. I won't ever show stress or raise my voice on you. I swear on our babies." He said placing his hand my bump.

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