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"Is she ok?" Sakshi asked rushing to us as soon as we reached home, with Radha aunty behind her.

"What happened son?" Radha aunty asked seeing my worried face.

"Vishal happened. I thought they left us at peace. But I am wrong." I said running a hand through my hair.

"Can you prepare something for her to eat? And her diet needs to change."

"We are having triplets." I said to Radha aunty making both of them squeal like teenagers.

"I will look after her food sir. Don't worry. She and the babies will be fine." She said and left to the kitchen, probably to prepare something to eat.

"Will you check on her? I need to make a call." I asked Sakshi to which she nodded and left.

I went to my study and took my phone dialing Prateek's number and waited till he picked up the call.

"Vishal met us today Prateek. How does he know that we are at the hospital?" I growled the minute he picked the call.

"Are we going to get anything on them or is it going to be a Tom and Jerry game where we keep going on at each other." I yelled at him. There was no stopping me at that moment.

That fucking bastard thinks it's easy to get away by scaring my wife like that and doing whatever he wants.

"Sir please, I know you are worried. That fucker has followed you. Seems like they got to know about mam's pregnancy." He said concern clear in his voice.

"It's hard to keep things like this hidden sir. But it's for our good only. We got to know that they are still on us." He explained.

We did not announce Aara's pregnancy to anyone for safety purposes. Our families, our PAs and Radha aunty and Sakshi along with Prateek knows of this.

Since she started to show, it's hard to keep the rumours away. That fucking bastard came to confirm if it's true or not.

Now that they knew that Minnie's pregnant, we got to be more careful.

"Just give me a week or two. I am close to getting something on Vishal. If this works, we can put him behind the bars. Hopefully this will get Vijay to back off."

"For safety precautions, increase the security around the house and also mam. Just being careful, that's it. There's nothing to worry as of now." He said before disconnecting the call.

Sighing, I let myself cool down a bit before going to our bedroom.

I saw Sakshi coming out of the room closing the door behind her.

"She wanted to sleep." Sakshi said seeing me as I approached her.

"Did she eat anything?"

"No sir." To which I sighed and went inside.

She is laying on the bed turned to the side. There is a plate of food kept on the side table untouched.

I sat on the bed next to Minnie. "I know you aren't sleeping love. Don't pretend too hard." I said chuckling lightly. She took a deep breath confirming my statement.

I leaned to her, gently turning her, so I could see her face.

I looked at her delicate face, falling in love again, like every other time, I kissed her forehead.

"I am scared." She whispered, tears leaking down from the corner of her eyes.

"Come here" I said extending my hands. Sniffling she scooted closer to me, letting me hug her.

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