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"Everything looks good Aara." Dr Shruthi said looking at the screen, moving the wand on Minnie's bump.

"You have gained good weight. Babies are too at good weight and healthy. "

"Good improvement Aara." She said turning to us.

"Clean off the gel and come to the room." She said and left us.

Minnie is in her 7th month now. And we are here for her regular checkup.

Dragging the chair, I helped Minnie sit before taking my seat.

"So Aara, I except this to be maintained." Dr said after we settled.

"Delivery will be earlier because it's triplets."

"Since everything looks far better than expected, we will wait till 35 weeks."

"We will be doing c section, even if you go into labour."

"If you don't get contractions, we will see at that time whether to wait a week more or not." She explained through the process making me anxious.

I just hope everything goes well and Minnie and the babies will be safe.


Helping her sit in the car, I rounded to the other side sliding next to her.

She scooted closer to me placing her head on my chest she sighed.

Taking her hand into mine I slowly massaged her palm sensing her anxiety.

"Everything's going to be fine Aara." I said softly.

"I just wish, the babies will be fine." She said slowly rubbing her bump with her other hand.

"You will have a safe delivery precious. Babies and you, both will be fine."

"Because if something happens to you, I won't survive. Right munchkins?" I said slightly bending to her bump and rubbed it.

We immediately felt small kicks making me chuckle and Aara smile.

"I knew you guys are strong. I love you sweethearts." I said kissing her bump.


A speeding car suddenly stopped in front of our's making our car jerk to stop, my hands holding Minnie instinctively preventing her from falling forward.

"What the hell. Look out Vicky." I shouted to our bodyguard who's driving the car and turned to Minnie to check on her, my heart beating like I ran a marathon.

"Minnie are you ok?" I asked checking her.

She nodded her head with a shaky breath, her hands covered over her bump protectively.

Hearing a commotion I looked ahead to see Vicky and a man arguing.

Opening the window I looked outside gaining their attention.

"What's the problem?" I asked Vicky.

"He is creating an issue when he was at wrong sir." He said and before anyone can react, few cars came and stopped next to the other car and men came out.

"Something's not right." I said to Vicky frowning.

"Alert our people." I said and turned to look at Minnie who was worried looking at us concerned.

Holding her hand I spoke gaining her attention. "Stay inside Minnie. No matter what don't step out." I said sternly.

Getting an affirmative, I stepped outside, closing the car door behind me.

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