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"The risk we took was for nothing then." I could hear Sid shouting as I neared the study.

Opening the door I saw Sid standing near the window looking out, rubbing his neck.

His shirt top buttons were opened, his hair disheveled, shirt sleeves folded. He looked like a mess.

Prateek was sitting on a chair that's infront of the table, his legs propped up on another, rubbing his forehead.

"Siddu?" I called with a laboured breath, carrying a coffe tray with one hand and another one on my back as I walked into the room.

"Aara, why are you straining yourself. I told you to take rest." He said irritated coming to me.

Prateek took the coffe tray from my hand while Sid walked me to his chair and helped me sit.

"You said, you were having a headache." I said taking deep breaths.

I am almost six months now, and it's becoming hard to walk even small distance carrying anything in my hands.

"You are carrying three babies at a time. Isn't that enough?" Is Siddu's defence.

"So thought of bringing coffe to you."

"What's wrong? Why were you shouting?" I asked looking at both of them.

Prateek sighed. "We couldn't find the evidence on Malhotra regarding the accident."

I frowned thinking.

"What if we could expose him of his illegal activities?" I said after a few minutes.

"We are trying to find proofs only on matters related to us. So it's easy to be cautious when he knows of our target."

"What if we could bring out all his illegal businesses?"

"We can get the permission to dig into him, either secretly or not, by showing what happened to us."

"We will tell that we can prove that he is an enemy, not only for us but for many." I said twirling a pen between my fingers.

"Wow! I think we could do that. I will talk to the commissioner." Prateek said smiling broadly.

Sid chuckled seeing his excitement.


"Did you eat anything?" I asked her as we walked to our bedroom.

"Yes, I just had a fruit salad. Your babies were too demanding. They didn't settle down until I had those fruits." She said rubbing her bump slowly.


She sat slowly on the bed holding her bump with one hand and the other taking support on the bed breathing heavily.

"You should stop moving here and there unnecessarily." I said helping her settle on the bed.

"Doctor told you to be on bed rest for most of the time. I am not happy with what you are doing Aaradhya." I said angrily, crouching infront of her.

"I am bored. You are neither spending time with me nor allowing me to do office work."

"What am I supposed to do? Tell me one single day in my entire life where I have sat ideally not doing anything." She said glaring.

"Watch tv. Eat. Sleep. Do online shopping. Read a book. I don't care! Do anything which doesn't cause you stress physically or mentally." I said exasperated.

"There are some issues going on in the company which need my attention. That's why I couldn't spend time with you."

"No. There's nothing for you to worry about. I will take care of them." I said before she could reply.

"If you want to help me, then you can do it by taking care of yourself, when I am not there."

"That's the biggest help you can do for me. Understood?" I asked sternly.

"Fine." She grumbled.

"Good." I said chuckling and got up.

"I have to go to office now. Be a good girl and don't strain yourself."

"What?" She yelled, her calm expression changing to anger just like that.

Damn the mood swings!

"I can't help it tiger. I will be with you tomorrow, the entire day. I promise." I convinced her.

I sighed when she finally agreed, after some more persuasion.

"Don't wait up for me. I will be late." I said kissing her forehead and left to office.


"What is it Harsha? I had to leave the lady boss alone in home and rush here." I said to Harsha and Sanjay who were waiting for me in my cabin.

"Do you know how difficult it is to handle a pregnant woman's anger? She almost killed me." I said making them chuckle.

"What's the matter?" I asked propping my hands on the table.

They both glanced at each other making me frown,

"Few of our investors want to withdraw investments." Sanjay said breaking the silence.

"What the hell are you telling me?" I yelled standing up.

"They aren't giving reasons and are ready to bear the penalty for their sudden withdrawal sir."

"Even with the penalty amount we cannot cover the losses sir. We will go bankrupt if this really happens." Harsha said.

"Did anyone try talking to them?" I asked controlling my anger.

"Deepak sir did sir. They are not budging." Sanjay said.

My phone rang disturbing us, to see it's Deepak calling.

"What the hell am I hearing Deepak?" I shouted the minute I picked the call.

"I seriously don't understand what their problem is man. I tried talking to them." Deepak sighed.

"I am on the way to meet an investor. I will let you know what happens there." He said before disconnecting the call.

"Arrange an emergency meeting with those who want to withdraw. I want it now." I ordered before dismissing them.


"We cannot solve the issue, if you don't tell what the problem is." I said to the investors in the conference room.

"There's nothing to discuss Mr Siddharth. We want to withdraw our support. That's all. There's nothing more." One of the investors spoke.

"You know about the consequences right? You are breaking the agreement." I said annoyed, controlling my anger.

"We are not some bunch of illiterates Mr Siddharth. We know about the penalties." A person said with irritation making Harsha and Sanjay to glare at him.

"There's something happening Sid." That grouchy investor spoke surprisingly in a calm tone.

"We don't need to explain ourselves to him sir." The other said, cutting him.

"You are wasting everyone's time. You cannot change our mind." He said getting up.

"Now if you will excuse us." Saying he walked out.

One by one everyone vacated the conference room leaving me with Harsha and Sanjay.

I sat there pinching my forehead, stuck in the situation.

"Sir? What's our next move?" Harsha asked.

"We will continue this in the morning. Go home." I said getting up.

"And one more thing. This shouldn't reach Minnie until we find a solution. Inform Deepak too." I said as we walked out.

"Sir mam will freak out if she knows that we are hiding such an imp issue." Sanjay said worried.

"She is not in a condition to handle stress. I cannot take chances with her health. Do as I say." I said sternly.

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