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"Aara you are overthinking." I said softly.

"No Siddharth, you might have a big heart for doing this, but people won't see it. They will criticize you for bending your ways for a woman."

"You have seen Anoop. There are people who don't take it with an open heart for running an empire side by side with a woman."

"Our people are not that broad minded Sid. I don't want to give more options for everyone to criticize you." She said worried.

I felt happy seeing her concern towards me. Though she said she don't love me or like me, her actions seemed different.

"Darling listen." I said cupping her face.

"Ofcourse we are doing this because of Malhotra. He is a man who shouldn't be taken easily and should avoid him to any extent possible."

"That doesn't mean we will cower in fear. We are strengthening our sources so that we could be ready and face him if he creates any problems."

"Don't underestimate the power of being prepared. Do you get that?" I asked looking in her eyes trying to boost her confidence. She nodded lightly.

"And now coming to what people think. I don't care what people say."

"And when have you started caring for what others think? The Aaradhya I know never gives a rat's ass to others opinions. Where has she gone?"

"Your's is not a small company. You didn't get that business woman of the year award for being nothing or being weak."

"My value increases if you are by my side. Never ever undermine yourself infront me or any other person." I said sternly.

"Do you understand Minnie?" She nodded her head lightly.

"Now do you have any more doubts or insecurities?" I asked searching her face.

"You really do love me.." she said it as a statement looking at me.

It hurt that she didn't believe me.

"I love you with all my heart Minnie. I am really sorry for what I did to you. I will apologize to you everyday for as long as I live, if that's the only thing I have to do for you to believe me." I said feeling guilty.

Standing up I offered my hand to her. "Come let's go."

She sighed. "Fine, do as you guys wish." She said and stood up taking my hand.


"So you okay with being this building as the branch head?" Krishnan uncle asked the minute we came into Aara's cabin.

She nodded her head sighing.

"But I should admit, this building is more beautiful and appealing than your's brother. It will be correct for the biggest company's branch head." Naina said smirking.

"Aara was always good at designing buildings right. Even our houses are of her ideas only. Of course this building looks good." Krishnan uncle said proudly.

"No need to butter me. I am not angry for making me agree with you guys. Ok?" She said annoyed.

Damn this girl! She will be the only girl who gets annoyed for complementing her.

Chuckles errupted among us.

"Are you ok with changing the name of the company uncle? This was your hard work. Now it's almost like dissolving the company. Are you ok with this?" I asked Krishnan uncle concerned.

"It's ok Sid. My main concern is my daughter. I will do whatever I can to keep her safe." Uncle assured us with a soft smile.


"Sanjay come to my cabin. Bring Harsha (my pa) with you" Aara said to her PA through the extension.

"I need these documents to be ready by tomorrow morning. And inform Anoop to be here the first thing tomorrow." She said going into her bossy mode.

It looked so natural, like having a second skin. And this girl's having doubt on being the boss of the company. Silly girl.

"And we need the press meet in the noon. Prepare a room for the meet." I said looking at both of them.

"Tomorrow..! It will be hectic. We don't know what fuss that Anoop is going to create and followed by press will be too hectic." Deepak said worried.

"No Deepu, it's better to finish it as early as possible. We have to meet them anyways, might as well get it over with." Aara said sighing.

Giving few more instructions we dismissed them to get started for the big day tomorrow.

"Let's go eat at a restaurant. We didn't even celebrate for you guys getting married." Mom said standing up.

"Who even works on their second day of marriage?! You guys are so workaholic." Naina said scrunching her face.

I held Aara's hand as we all walked out.

"Usually husband will be the workaholic, wife will be the escape haven. But here both are workaholics. How they are going to have their romantic life is a question here." Naina continued.

"Atleast have sometime to make babies. I need grandchildren." Mom said teasing us.

I felt Aara stiffen, her eyes becoming sad. Deepak glanced at her worried.

It felt like a punch in the gut.

If everything's been good, we would have had a boy or a girl among us now playing and throwing tantrums on what dish she wanted to eat.

Our dads groaned oblivious of the sudden change in our moods.

"We don't want to hear about their romantic lives. They are our kids." Krishnan uncle said scowling.

"Are you ok?" I asked her as soon as we got into my car.

She nodded taking a deep breath. "I don't know if I'll ever get over that loss." She mumbled looking out of the window as a tear slipped from her eyes.

I sighed and squeezed her hand in efforts of comforting her. What could I possibly do to make her feel better?!

At restaurant we had our dinner over small talks here and there.

Deepak and Naina kept stealing glances, trying to be subtle.

But we all saw them flirting with eachother, but we choose to ignore.

"Which icecream do you want Aara? What's that flavour you always used to ask.., pista and vanilla combination right?" My dad said ordering desserts for us.

"I stopped eating icecreams uncle." She said looking at my dad.

"Really!?" My mom asked shocked. "You remember that day Vishwa? When she came for a sleepover. She made you go out in the middle of the night to get her icecream."

Dad laughed remembering the memory.

"Yea. The entire freezer was stocked with chocolate icecream. But she wanted pista and vanilla. And to my luck all shops were closed that day. I had to travel half the city to get her the ice-cream she wanted."

"When did you stop eating?"

"It's been 4 years uncle." She said with a small smile.

I was shocked to know that she stopped eating icecreams. We used to have it all the time. That's her fav junk food.

I can guess why she stopped having it. We had too many memories relating to them. It's our guilty pleasure.

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