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"Where is Siddu?" I asked Sakshi the next day.

It was almost midday and I haven't seen him since yesterday evening.

"Sir came late night and left early. He said he will be here by noon." She said giving me some dry nuts.

"Idiot. He could have woken me in the morning right?" I grumbled chewing the cashew harshly.

"Don't show your anger on those nuts di." She said chuckling and sat next to me.

"My poor di is missing her hubby ha?" She said pinching my cheek with a teasing smile.

I scowled swatting her hand away.

"I don't want these nuts. Can you make some popcorn? We will watch a movie." I said giving her the plate which had different types of nuts.

Sid combined with Radha aunty and Sakshi made it their mission to make me compete with whale.

With the way they are feeding me, I was surprised that I still didn't burst.

But I am also eating with the same passion. I will always be found with one food or the other in my hands.

Chuckling she took the plate and went to prepare popcorn while I browsed movies.

Finally on settling for ice age, we watched the entire series while food was served to us into our hands by Radha aunty the full day.

In between she would scold Sakshi for making me stay awake, not taking my afternoon nap.

But we both ignored her and continued our movie marathon.

It's been so long since I watched movies like this.

We used to have movie marathon literally for two days.

Atleast Siddu used to sleep sometime during the movies, but I was like a psycho not sleeping a wink I used to complete a web series in two days.


It was almost night when I stopped my movie marathon. Siddu came sometime in the evening and straight away went to the study.

I too didn't mind since I was involved in the movie.

Walking slowly, one hand supporting my bump and the other supporting my painful back I went to Siddu.

I shouldn't have layed on the couch, I thought groaning internally. Now my back is killing me.

And I am hungry and I want to eat something from outside. Nope not home made food.

"Siddu I am hungry." I said barging into his room.

He was pacing around reading a file with a frown on his face.

"Can we go out?" I asked walking to him.

"Is there a problem?" I asked frowning.

"Nothing. Everything's fine." He mumbled not really paying attention.

"Then come lets go out. I am hungry." I said pulling his hand.

He jerked my hand away and threw the file on the table.


"You are always either hungry or emotional." I yelled, making her flinch.

"Can't you just leave me for 5 min without nagging me?"

"Let me have some peace and do not irritate me. It's not always about you."

"Can't you see that I am trying to work here. You are not doing anything, the least you could do is let me concentrate."

His Precious Woman Where stories live. Discover now