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Sometime during night I was woken up again.

"Siddu, it hurts." She said her face scrunched in pain holding her bump.

I got down immediately, my senses high on alert and adjusted her properly on the cot.

"Hold on precious, I will call someone" I said trying to control my anxiousness and rushed to call the nurse.

For a few minutes it was chaos. Nurses rushing in and out, doctor checking her, Minnie shouting in pain.

I was scared shitless seeing her in agony.

Finally they had given an injection which settled her down.

"Those are just false pains. She is alright. I have given the painkiller. She will be fine by morning." The doctor said before leaving, making me breath in relief.

I sighed rubbing my forehead, trying to relive my headache.


"Sid" someone shaking me woke me up from my sleep.

"Why are you sleeping like this?" Deepu asked seeing me sitting on chair.

"I don't know when I slept man. She got pain in the night." I said what happened making him sigh.

"I got clothes for you. Go and freshen up." He said passing me a bag.

"Thanks." I said taking it.

"Can you tell someone to arrange coffe and some headache tablets.  This pain is killing me." I asked to which he nodded, as I walked to the washroom.

After sometime Minnie started wiggling lightly.

I immediately went and stood next to her to see her opening her eyes squinting and streching her body and yawned softly.

She looks exactly like a kitten when ever she does that.

"Good morning my cute kitten." I said chuckling softly, pushing her hair out of her face and kissed her forehead.

"How do you feel now? Do you still have pain?"

"No. I am fine now." She said sitting up.

"Good. Breakfast is waiting for you."


"I heard you had pain last night Aara. How do you feel now?" Dr Shruthi said checking her.

"I am good doc." She said smiling lightly.

"Hmm everything's good. You take rest. I will come in the evening." She said patting her leg and left.


"Guys will you tone it down a bit?" I said sighing.

"My head will break if you guys don't stop talking."

Deepak and Naina were arguing and bickering on something making it impossible for my headache to settle down.

I literally want to bang my head somewhere so this pain will go away.

Minnie who was going through a file kept it down looking at me anxiously.

"What's wrong? Aren't you feeling well?" She asked worried.

"It's nothing precious, just a little headache."

"Then why are you working? You should give rest to your eyes." She said seriously.

"Actually I am sorry. You hadn't slept all night because of me. That's the reason for your headache." She said her eyes welling up.

I groaned internally. Damn the mood swings.

His Precious Woman Where stories live. Discover now