Waking Up Feeling Terrified

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A/N: WARNING: this story ends TERRIBLY! I was 13 when I wrote this and got bored, so pls read at your own risk 😭

I awake with a gasp, desperate to get oxygen in my lungs. I'm surrounded by darkness. Where am I? I feel around, my hands land on a cool metal wall. I shakily stand up, feeling around. I'm in a box, it's moving up at a frightening speed. I start to walk around, a couple steps in my knee it's something. I kneel down and feel the object, it's a wooden crate. "Hello?" My voice cracks. "Hello!" No answer. The only sound is the box cranking me up on pulleys it seems like. I sit down against the metal wall and think. Hold on, what's my name? I think harder. Why can't I remember anything? Before I can think any longer, the metal box slams to a spot, knocking me on my back.

Light pours through an opening that appears, I block my eyes with my arm so I don't get blinded from being in the dark for however long. Once my vision adjusts to the sunlight, I remove my arm and sit back up while looking up. Not the best idea.

Around thirty to forty boys stare me down with bewilderment. "It's a girl." Some boy states with dark skin and a tight shirt. He looks leader material to me. The boys break out into chatter, I only catch some voicing thoughts.

"How pretty is she?"

"What we have all been waiting for!"

"About time it's no shucking boy."

"Wow, she looks like a slinthead with no brain."

All of the comments swirl through my mind. What's wrong with these boys? A different boy jumps into the contraption with me. He's very tall, muscular and has wicked eyebrows. He could murder someone with those things. "Day one greenie, rise and shine." He grabs the collar of my shirt and yanks me to my feet. I stumble and back away from him. Once again he grabs me, but this time Eyebrow Boy chucks me out of the box.

I land on my side but quickly scramble up and look around. Four stone walls surround this place. There's open fields and woods. What catches my the most is a big gap between the walls. It looks like an exit, bingo.

I shove boys out of the way and bolt to the opening with all my might. "We got a runner!" Someone yells, I don't look back. "Wait, she's headed to the doors! Greenie, stop!" This time I look back. Five boys are running after me, I turn forward and sprint even faster. I have to make it, I have to make it.

I don't make it. I'm a couple feet from the entrance when I get tackled. I flip on my back and do nothing. I don't struggle, I don't talk. I only examine the kid who attacked me. He's a buff Asian, definitely muscular with spiky black hair. I feel like we are going to be good friends. I suppose it's because he's the first person I've met properly, kind of.

Not really.

"You okay, Greenbean?" The Asian asks. "W-What's your name?" My voice comes out shaky. "Minho. Yours?" I think for a moment. Nothing rings a bell. "I can't remember. Why can't I remember anything?" My voice comes out calm, but inside I'm terrified. "It's happened to all of us, we don't know why. But you're safe here. You know what, I think you have the chops to be a runner."

Runner? What's a runner? "What's  a runner?" "Let's get up, I'll answer questions later since I'm the new tour guide extraordinaire." Minho doesn't sound too excited that he is the new tour guide.

Minho stands up, giving me a hand and I gladly take it hoisting myself up. "You aren't going to run again, right?" "Promise." He calls out to the other boys, "I got her! You shanks can get back to work now!" They all do as ordered. "Are you the leader around here?" "Nope," He points to the man that first saw me, he was wearing the tight shirt. "He is, that's Alby. We also have our Second in Command somewhere around here, Newt. Oh! Over there, the boy with crutches."

I strain to see the boy he's talking about. He does have crutches with blond hair that sways in front of his eyes. But why does he have crutches? More importantly, who made them? They aren't the best. I'll ask about him later. Wait, what kind of a name is Newt? Never mind, questions about him will be saved for later.

Minho nudges me and I look at him questionably. "I think we are going to make a good pair of friends, don't 'cha think?" I smile and nod. "I think you and Newt will be friends, he's in desperate need for some other than me, Alby and a couple others." I nod again.

"Well, ready for the tour Greenie?"


I've got everything down so far. I'm in the Glade, we call ourselves gladers, there are Keepers for each job. There are four different sections of the Glade; deadheads, gardens, bloodhouse and the homestead. The boys sleep outside, but some importants sleep in the homestead, and I'm one of them! I mentally pump a fist to the air. I'm kind of important, good enough for me.

I grab some food from Frypan, the main chef who serves everyone. "Thanks, Fry!" "No problem." He smiles brightly. I bring my tray of a sandwich, water and an apple to a table that no one is sitting at. I was getting anxious about dinner, I haven't really interacted with any other glader expect for Minho, who is my only friend. So far.

"Hey, shank. This seat taken?" I smirk, it's Minho. "You may sit there." He smirks back and sits down across of me and digs in right away. "I have a question..." He looks at me. "What Greenie doesn't have a question?" I took that as a 'yes, I'll listen'.

"It's about Newt. Why does he have crutches?" Minho's eyes go distant, all blood drains from his face. His muscles tense. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. I quickly end the topic that should've never been started. "I'm sorry, I won't ask again. I don't need to know."

We don't talk again for the rest of dinner, making me feel insanely horrible. What kind of... shuckface am I? God, I can't do glader slang yet, it just doesn't flow.

"Let's go to your room." Minho says as we walk around the Glade. "Actually, Minho, I can sleep out here with all the boys." I say confidently. Minho stops and grabs my arm, I face him. "I don't think that's a good idea. You don't know if any of these boys will try anything." I sigh, "Okay. Lead the way." He nods and we walk to the homestead. It's a pretty sturdy building, the stairs creek which gives me the fear of them breaking and sending me tumbling down. Thankfully, that doesn't happen.

"The door at the very end of the hallway, left." I enter the room first, it's very plain. There's a bed in the middle with a nightstand right next to it. A watch lays on the top of the tiny table. "Why is there a watch?" I say grabbing and examining it. "It's for you, never take it off. Figured a girl would like to tell the time." "You did this?" He nods.

I walk over to him and hug him. "Thank you so much, Minho. You made my first day the best first day anyone could ever have." I can practically feel his smile. "No problem. Like I said before, I think we would make great friends." I think so, too. We pull away and he gets to his normal self again.

"So, I'm in the room right across of you and Newt is in the room right next to you." Wait, Newt? His room is right next to mine? "If you need anything, I'll be just across the hall. Get some sleep, night Greenie." "Night Minho." He walks out of the room and closes the door behind him. I turn to face my bed and walk to it. The blanket is actually soft, I was expecting it to be rough. I climb into the bed and lay down under the blanket. It's comfy, that's for sure.

I lay there about half an hour taking everything when I hear voices outside my door. Familiar voices. "Newt, I put her next to you, she's in here probably sleeping by now." It's Minho and Newt I suppose. "How's she doing?" Wow, his accent is thick. "She's fine, definitely better than almost all Greenbeans. She's really fitting in." "She remember her name?" "Nope." Minho says, popping the 'p'. "Make sure you keep an eye on her, don't want anything happening to a nice shank like that." At least Newt has some sympathy for me.

I hear someone grab my door knob. I close my eyes and look like I'm asleep. The door swings open. "See, Newt? She's perfectly fine, stop worrying." Wait, he was worried? I don't know what to feel toward him. Newt sighs, "Okay. Let's get some bloody sleep." They close the door and go to their separate rooms.

I lay on my bed in a daze. They were talking about me, saying that I'm okay. At least I know two people in the Glade care about me. It's official, I'm going to talk to Newt tomorrow.

Once again, my thoughts drift to my surroundings, rocking me into a peaceful sleep.

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